Solved! Speakers - Sizzling noise

Jul 15, 2020
I just bought last month brand new audioengine HD6, and I love them! I just discovered few days ago a very undesirable sound, very noticeable and annoying while listening at middle to high volume. At first I tought it was only the active speaker but then realised that it was also happening but to less extend on the passive one.
It is not really a hiss or a hum, it's more like an annoying sizzling in the high end frequencies I would say. I even thought at some point it was maybe the magnetic grills vibrating as it really felt like a similar sound as if it was.
  • Laptop is plugged via USB into the Yamaha MG Mixer and the mixer output is XLR cable to RCA cable into the audioengine active speaker.
  • Speakers don't use the same power socket than the computer and are on stands, left and right from my desk.
  • It is very much apparent, when I put the volume at max on the mixer and reduce the volume at the min on the audioengine speaker.
  • I tried other channels of the mixer, the problem is on whatever channel i use.
  • I tried to connect the yamaha mixer to the speaker with another cable (stereo jack 1/4 to RCA), problem is still there.
  • Here is a sound bit I recorded with my phone, next to the active speaker (all panned on its side on the Mixer):
  • The problem doesn't occur when I bypass the yamaha mixer, for example when I play from my smartphone directly to the speakers via chromecast, the noise is not here.
Any idea?
Jul 15, 2020
Thanks for your reply.
I tried the other Stereo output, which is jack and then RCA into the Speakers, issue is the same.
I have contacted Yamaha, waiting for feedback.
Just saw online 2 forum posts about some 'distortion' sound that seem very similar, seems that updating the USB driver helped, which i don't understand as the issue is on all channels, not only the laptop input.
I have tried this but issue is still there...