Hello, needing some help, I have 2 4ohms dvc and 2 4 0hms svc how can I connect all to get 4ohms or 2ohm or 1 ohm load. Please help....newby
No problem. Sweet amp! I also have a Power Acoustik amp...the 1400W continuous version, loaded at 2 ohms and it barely gets warm. My shirt flutters and I can't focus my eyes 4 feet away from my car. No way to tolerate that kind of SPL in the car (vomit)...even with ear plugs! At 3 ohms, your amp will deliver 1900-2000W continuous, which is pretty great.Amp is a Gothic 4500 1. 2, 4 ohms capable mono block, thanks for your response you make things much clearer. I've been at this for 2 weeks trying to figure out. U made my night.