i have very big files named outfile1 to outfile4 and i want to grep "test" in all files so i developed a code "program1.pl" its working fine but run time is very high (for 4 files its taking 10.7 sec ) if i run this for more (>100) big files its running for longtime, so i want to speed up .. can any one suggest me to improve speed for this ..
######### program1.pl ##########
open (INFILE, "> grepfile");
foreach ($i = 1; $i< 5; $i++) {
$outfile = "outfile$i" ; # outfile1 .. outfile4
open ( OUTFILE, $outfile) ;
while (<OUTFILE>) {
if ($_ =~ /test/ ) {
print "$_ \n";
print INFILE "line: $_ ";
close (INFILE);
i have very big files named outfile1 to outfile4 and i want to grep "test" in all files so i developed a code "program1.pl" its working fine but run time is very high (for 4 files its taking 10.7 sec ) if i run this for more (>100) big files its running for longtime, so i want to speed up .. can any one suggest me to improve speed for this ..
######### program1.pl ##########
open (INFILE, "> grepfile");
foreach ($i = 1; $i< 5; $i++) {
$outfile = "outfile$i" ; # outfile1 .. outfile4
open ( OUTFILE, $outfile) ;
while (<OUTFILE>) {
if ($_ =~ /test/ ) {
print "$_ \n";
print INFILE "line: $_ ";
close (INFILE);