Spotty internet loading problems - Windows 7 - especially netflix


Aug 29, 2011
I am having trouble where my browser will not load some internet pages. The worst problem is with Netflix, which at bests will run a movie for 5 minutes and usually will not load at all. Most other websites work, however, they sometimes will not load also. (Particularly after I have trouble with Netflix).

This is happening on a brand new build I just did. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium. My primary browser is Firefox, but I'm having trouble with Google Chrome and Opera too. I can't even run it on IE9 because IE9 for whatever reason doesn't think I have Silverlight (the video player) installed.

I have a wireless router (belkin wireless G) and have reset it numerous times. Furthermore, I plugged it in and shut off the wireless, so that is not the issue. I have AT&T 3Meg internet service. I am running Avast Antivirus and Crashsoft backup software. This is virtually the same setup I was running under XP on my old build and I never had this problem. My work laptop is Windows 7 Pro and doesn't seem to have any issues. (Although I don't use it to the same extent.)

Any help would be much appreciated. Otherwise, I am going to reformat the OS and start over.

I have some screen shots of the issue, but I don't see how to upload them here.


You can't upload images to tom's. Use photobucket or some other free site for images and link your posts to them. 3Mb/s seems aweful slow to stream video. I thought netflix recommended at least 6Mb/s.

This also sounds like it could be a DNS issue. Does the browser resolve names or isn't it even getting that far? If you are using OpenDNS or some other DNS provider in your router, you may want to configure your router to use your ISP's DNS servers.


Aug 29, 2011
Ok. I think I have the pictures uploaded now. Yes, I'm sure that 7mbps per second would be faster, but it typically works fine with 3mbps.

As far as the DNS settings go. I'm on all the defaults. I haven't messed with that at all. I'm not sure what you mean by the browser names resolving itself. I think the router is also running on the default settings.

BTW, tonight opera loaded netflix fine (after the second time).




Jan 3, 2011
Its hard to find the culprit,
but you could try this one by one until you find the culprit

1. Connect directly the internet through your pc without using the wireles router
2. Scan your pc with antivirus and anti malware
3. Try to change the dns with Google DNS
4. Try to disable Antivirus/Firewall