no one said that that person is a criminal, they just said blocking ads is stealing, and what is being stolen you may ask ? its ad revenue which they will use to provide you more quality service and better experience
and who gets the stolen money ? no one, it just get wasted ( just like someone bought something to sell at a profit but sold it at same price thus no profit but loss due to efforts that it took to buy store display and sell it )
only part that i did't like in article is where they said that that popup which covers full screen and audio video ads , these types of ads will annoy because they distract us completely and make us to take some action to remove them and people may use adblocker due to such ads. thoguh google provide ad reviewing so that publisher can view what ad will get served to users
btw toms forum is adfree and from a long time ( after they changed the theme/graphics of site )
and i found it amusing that only 6 clicks get obtained from 10000 ads, i think i click on 1 ad from every 10 ads i see, looks like those 6 clicks are my contribution
btw looking at the replies and vote up and vote down to those replies, i think toms got an idea that those who blacklist in adblockers will use it anyway ( its like these people are saying "i will [SMILE AT] you but won't pay [ANYTHING]" ), amd looks like 90% of peeps are blocking, so to increase profit there is way left for toms
that is detect users who have blacklisted then redirect these users to a subscription page to sign in and pay subscription money for ad free experience or tell them to whitelist to continue browsing
if toms peeps looses these 90% users then they will need to invest 90% less time to maintain their infrastructure 90% less server load , thus 90% less investment and profit will remain same ( that is from those 10% users ) this way they can concentrate more on those who deserve.
btw that,awkward moment when you want to down vote but mistakenly clicked on ip vote button and now you can't down vote now ( i wanted to down vote a comemt by mistakely upvoted it )
another btw, looking at the trend, i think i will get tons of down vote
[Curse words removed by mods]