McHenryB :
G0ss3yn :
I don't remember the author calling people stooges, idiots, ...
You didn't read the bit where he called people who use ad-blockers "thieves" and say they were "stealing"? That's a libel as it is demonstrably untrue - or certainly here in the EU where the point has been determined in a court of law.
I don't appreciate being libelled - I wouldn't mind so much being called an idiot or whatever, but don't let's have professional journalists accusing me of being a criminal, thank you.
i didn't find it offensive
because only those who are using adblocker to block toms will find it offensive, because they will see at as author is calling them thief but indeed author is calling those thief who use their service and don't even want to run ads in a corner.
voodoo917 :
Good enough, thanks for clarifying that!
I'm just wondering what Tom's writers will write next, "When you use Anti-Virus Software, you are taking the shoes off of a hackers baby's feet!" springs to mind!
The writer of this drivel should be fired along with whoever decided it was news worthy to call your members criminals!
you are using strawmen fallacy
you are representing author's statement wrongly to make it more vulnerable to attack
hacker is doing a crime you can't compare showing an ad of pizzahut to hacker hacking you pc
hacker is doing damage to you so that is why you need antivirus, but when you see an ad of pizzahut then you will not get any damage
do you buy pizza's for lifetime at no cost from pizzahut ( unless you are owner of pizzahut ), i guess no, you pay for whatever you buy, and so you pay for reading toms article, indeed you don't pay, you just have to let the ads.
01189998819991197253 :
I'm sorry, I used to keep this site in my adblocker whitelist but not any more.
I get that sites need this ad revenue, and if you can work out precisely how much you will make from me not looking at nor clicking on each ad then I would be happy to pay it to you rounded down to the nearest penny/cent (clue: that's somewhere around £0.00).
I would be very happy to pay a bit of money in order to support the site, like I do with a subscription to other online magazines, as long as there weren't any ads.
The main reason that I have an adblocker is because of the way in which I and I'm sure many others browse the web. I open at least 15-20 links at a time and then one by one as they load, at least 4 video ads start playing. I then have to go and search through all of these tabs to find the one which is playing, which is fine in Chrome because there is the little speaker icon which shows the tab is playing audio... Unless I have more than about 70 windows open (which happens all too frequently), in which case the tabs are too narrow to see the audio icons.
Until ads become less intrusive, I'm afraid I will not be disabling my adblocker for sites other than those I want to support - so not you any more Tom's.
there must be something wrong with your pc or browser, because i don't get to see this much ads. ( see photo below )
maybe you clicked on some ads on your favourite pom..... pom pom pom pom site and someone installed a malware in your pc which is showing ads ( which have no link to the site you are browsing )
you can't blame some one if someone else is doing wrong to you
garryash :
Yesterday I opened up TOMS and got bombardee by full page adverts that kept blocking out the content on TOMS and when not doing that it kept jumping the TOMS content up and down as I was trying to read !!!!!!! I'm now looking at a good free adblocker! Can anyone point in in the best direction?
there must be something wrong with your pc or browser, because i don't get to see this much ads. ( see photo below )
maybe you clicked on some ads on your favourite pom..... pom pom pom pom site and someone installed a malware in your pc which is showing ads ( which have no link to the site you are browsing )
see , all these ads are a result of my searches and i indeed want to click on all 3 ( but i think that will make me look like a fake clicker and ad partner may see it as false click so i refrain myself from clicking too often )