Story time, thanks for reading! See if you can solve my "riddle"...
So I bought a like-new (not refurbished) IBuyPower laptop from eBay and used it with no issues for 4 months. I keep the fully charged battery out of the computer and always run using the ac adapter only. One day I noticed that the "c" key and the "1", "2", and "3" keys on the keypad did not work (number line 1 2 and 3 worked fine) but if I mashed them enough, eventually it would. Then I packed it up to bring it to class with me, plugged it in, and found that it would not power on at all (no lights or anything). It did not turn on that night, even with the battery in. I brought the laptop to a parts store the next day, where the laptop instantly started up using their universal adapter, all keys working. I was told it was my ac adapter and that a new one would cost $100 dollars. But why didn't my battery work to turn it on? Anyway, I bought the universal ac adadpter he recommended in place of the expensive retail adapter (I later found out that the new supply had a current of 6.5A instead of the 9.5A the previous supply provided; I kinda figured he knew what he was doing, he actually said the new supply was more powerful! Wrong.). Yet, it worked great for three days on the new adapter, until the same 4 keys went bad again, and the next time I shut it down it did not turn on again. It was the week before finals, so after a bit of tinkering with the power button and many failed attempts, the laptop actually booted up. I kept it on all week, using the new adapter, never shutting down, and just pasteing my "c" when I needed it. Yes, the laptop works 100% fine besides those keys when on. After finals I crossed my fingers and shut it down, it did not boot for the next three days so I sent it to the manufacturer for repair (still under 1 yr warranty). I did not send them my battery or ac adapter as how could this be a power issue when the battery isn't booting it either. They had it for 3 weeks and said they could not duplicate my problems (using their ac adapter/battery). I receive it back (but they didn't charge me for the "false" repair request...) plug in the same universal adapter, and everything is fine until day two when the adapter melts during a graphic intense game. Naturally my laptop turns off immediately. The battery ran it fine when I put it in. I find my old retail supply and plug it in with the battery still in, boot up, and immediately the 4 keys stop working. Even when running just on battery power, the keys don't work. Now I'm afraid to shut down the laptop for fear of it not booting.
I tested the retail adapter with a multimeter. It is rated at 19V but read 17.6V . Is it my ac adapter? but my battery too? or is the power supply "charging" my motherboard? But why did it happen when using new supply as well? The computer did not boot for THREE DAYS, yet booted fine when it showed up for repair using their power supply. I just don't know anymore. I mean, when booted, the battery works great and the power supply does its thing. But when it is shut down, it will not turn on using either option. I may be able to persuade it to turn on after random "tinkerings" (Pressing/holding the power button, unnattaching and reattaching the power button ribbon, switching from wall power to battery, disconnecting all power and waiting, etc), but none are guaranteed to work. Oh and by the way, the keyboard is spotless, those keys are beautiful inside and out. So what is going on here?
So, thank you very much for reading, I know that was really long. Please refrain from posting opinions about the computer brand. Let me know if you need to know anything else. This community rocks! Long time guest, first time user
So I bought a like-new (not refurbished) IBuyPower laptop from eBay and used it with no issues for 4 months. I keep the fully charged battery out of the computer and always run using the ac adapter only. One day I noticed that the "c" key and the "1", "2", and "3" keys on the keypad did not work (number line 1 2 and 3 worked fine) but if I mashed them enough, eventually it would. Then I packed it up to bring it to class with me, plugged it in, and found that it would not power on at all (no lights or anything). It did not turn on that night, even with the battery in. I brought the laptop to a parts store the next day, where the laptop instantly started up using their universal adapter, all keys working. I was told it was my ac adapter and that a new one would cost $100 dollars. But why didn't my battery work to turn it on? Anyway, I bought the universal ac adadpter he recommended in place of the expensive retail adapter (I later found out that the new supply had a current of 6.5A instead of the 9.5A the previous supply provided; I kinda figured he knew what he was doing, he actually said the new supply was more powerful! Wrong.). Yet, it worked great for three days on the new adapter, until the same 4 keys went bad again, and the next time I shut it down it did not turn on again. It was the week before finals, so after a bit of tinkering with the power button and many failed attempts, the laptop actually booted up. I kept it on all week, using the new adapter, never shutting down, and just pasteing my "c" when I needed it. Yes, the laptop works 100% fine besides those keys when on. After finals I crossed my fingers and shut it down, it did not boot for the next three days so I sent it to the manufacturer for repair (still under 1 yr warranty). I did not send them my battery or ac adapter as how could this be a power issue when the battery isn't booting it either. They had it for 3 weeks and said they could not duplicate my problems (using their ac adapter/battery). I receive it back (but they didn't charge me for the "false" repair request...) plug in the same universal adapter, and everything is fine until day two when the adapter melts during a graphic intense game. Naturally my laptop turns off immediately. The battery ran it fine when I put it in. I find my old retail supply and plug it in with the battery still in, boot up, and immediately the 4 keys stop working. Even when running just on battery power, the keys don't work. Now I'm afraid to shut down the laptop for fear of it not booting.
I tested the retail adapter with a multimeter. It is rated at 19V but read 17.6V . Is it my ac adapter? but my battery too? or is the power supply "charging" my motherboard? But why did it happen when using new supply as well? The computer did not boot for THREE DAYS, yet booted fine when it showed up for repair using their power supply. I just don't know anymore. I mean, when booted, the battery works great and the power supply does its thing. But when it is shut down, it will not turn on using either option. I may be able to persuade it to turn on after random "tinkerings" (Pressing/holding the power button, unnattaching and reattaching the power button ribbon, switching from wall power to battery, disconnecting all power and waiting, etc), but none are guaranteed to work. Oh and by the way, the keyboard is spotless, those keys are beautiful inside and out. So what is going on here?
So, thank you very much for reading, I know that was really long. Please refrain from posting opinions about the computer brand. Let me know if you need to know anything else. This community rocks! Long time guest, first time user