Studio monitors for tv audio - please help !!


Jul 4, 2013
Hi there, I am currently looking into buying a pair of KRK Rokit studio monitors, and I want to connect them up to my tv, so that the monitors will be used for tv audio. how would I go about connecting the monitors to the tv?

thanks for taking the time to read this.
TV has optical audio output so you will need a digital to analog converter like this:
The problem is that this output is fixed and the speakers don't have a way of adjusting the volume so you would need to add something like this
if you want remote control or just a line level volume control like this
if you don't.
Chances are you tv has some sort of audio out feature that you could use to hook them up to, but often times the audio out is a weak signal and to get the sound you'd need you'll need to add a stereo amplifier. Any particular reason you want the studio monitors instead of just going with a home theater setup?

Well I hear the quality from the studio monitors is stunning.
and I absolutely love the look of the white krk rokit monitors, and a few other studio monitors like the gemini pro audio monitors. - cant find any hifi or home theater speakers that look half as good for the same price. - around £300.

if it helps you to identify how to set it up this is my tv -
TV has optical audio output so you will need a digital to analog converter like this:
The problem is that this output is fixed and the speakers don't have a way of adjusting the volume so you would need to add something like this
if you want remote control or just a line level volume control like this
if you don't.