Subs wont sound


Aug 28, 2016
I installed a xplode amp 1000watts and i did everything correctly but i am not gettin no sound to my subs. The amp works because i used regular speakers to see if it was the amp but i get aound but when i connect it to my subs it wont play but i moved the level and it played for a second then it did the samething so i know my subs work but idk what to do
If the impedance of your subs is below 2 ohms the amp will shut down when you try to drive them. The amp would also shut down if there was something wrong with one of the woofers (bad but not blown voice coil for instance). If you have 2 woofers in the box and they are each two ohms connected in parallel then the amp would see 1 ohm. Change the woofers to a series connection and the amp would see 4 ohms which it would be OK with.
If the impedance of your subs is below 2 ohms the amp will shut down when you try to drive them. The amp would also shut down if there was something wrong with one of the woofers (bad but not blown voice coil for instance). If you have 2 woofers in the box and they are each two ohms connected in parallel then the amp would see 1 ohm. Change the woofers to a series connection and the amp would see 4 ohms which it would be OK with.