Tablet shopping for Wife - Perplexed!


Dec 5, 2011
1. Is This Your First Time Buying A Tablet?

2. Do you already have an operating system in mind? If so specify (iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Windows RT, Windows 8, etc).
Don't really care. But I do want her to be able to do her Online Banking, Facebook, Email etc. So I'm guessing a Windows tablet would be best?

3. What screen size do you have in mind? And your preferred resolution (not required but helps)?

4. Preferred Brand(s) - (ex. Microsoft, Samsung, Asus, Apple)
No preference

5. Brands Not Preferred (specify why) (ex. Hannspree, Acer, etc.)
No non-preference

6. How much do you want to spend on your tablet?

7. Do you have cellular service? Or do you want the tablet to be WiFi only?
Yes, we have Sprint w/Airrave Router and WiFi

8. If you do have cellular service, who is your provider and how much data are you allowed per month?
Sprint Unlimited.

9. Do you want the tablet to be a full laptop replacement?
Sort of or as close as possible

10. What existing apps do you use? What do you intend to do with this tablet?
See #2

Hello All, Happy Holidays!
I am currently shopping for a tablet for the Wife and I'm just so confused at this time and don't know what to get her. I've been looking at the Google Nexus 7 2013, Kindle Fire HDX, MS Surface RT, and a couple others. iPAD is out/too expensive.

I'd like to find something I can add a keyboard cover to when I buy it initially or maybe add it later. We are planning on getting new phones this month and she is getting the Samsung Galaxy S4 likely. She likes the Galaxy phones. As for a tablet, I kind of want to get her something that will let her be more productive, email, facebook, online banking, browsing the web, online shopping etc. After looking at the different OS's I'm guessing the Windows 8.1 or 8RT is the way to go over the Android OS. I know the RT does not support x86 programs and I'm not sure if that is a major drawback or not.

My Wife is pretty much zero tech-savvy and would need something she is familiar with or easy to use. I have Windows 8.1 on my PC and have no issues using it, although I don't use the tablet UI it has.

Any advice, or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!
The galaxy S4 is an android phone so you may want to get an android tablet. Once she learns to use the S4, the tablet will work almost identical to it. I just picked up a nexus 7 2013 and love it, especially since it can now run the newest version of android (kitkat). I use it mostly for email, web browsing, watching directv (yes, they make an app for that) and netflix, and games. I sometimes use office apps, but I prefer to use a real keyboard if I have that much typing to do. I beleive the nexus 7 comes with some speech to text app, but I haven't utilized it yet to see how well it works.

I think I'd stay away from windows rt for now.

Almost forgot, I got the 32gb version since there is no SD card slot. On the plus side I installed...
The galaxy S4 is an android phone so you may want to get an android tablet. Once she learns to use the S4, the tablet will work almost identical to it. I just picked up a nexus 7 2013 and love it, especially since it can now run the newest version of android (kitkat). I use it mostly for email, web browsing, watching directv (yes, they make an app for that) and netflix, and games. I sometimes use office apps, but I prefer to use a real keyboard if I have that much typing to do. I beleive the nexus 7 comes with some speech to text app, but I haven't utilized it yet to see how well it works.

I think I'd stay away from windows rt for now.

Almost forgot, I got the 32gb version since there is no SD card slot. On the plus side I installed ES FileManager and was able to save and copy files to/from my PC as needed and even stream music from my PC with it. :)
Thanks Hawk. I actually had almost pulled the trigger on the Nexus 7. Walmart has the 16GB 2013 version for 199 right now. I was thinking the same thing. Since she is already sort of used to Android, (she has a Galaxy phone now) I think sticking with the same sort of OS would be better. I also think the smaller 7" tablet would be easier for her to hold and use on a daily basis.

I should add. I don't think she will watch movies on it very often so I think the 16GB version will be OK for her. She'll mainly install a few apps, browse the web, email etc.
Well, after checking again. Walmart has the 16Gb for 194.99 and the 32GB for 239.00.
I want to get her a keyboard case, but that would be another 30 or so dollars. She doesn't like touchscreen keyboards(or at least she hasn't gotten used to them yet)

I did some more research and I agree. I'm going to stay away from Windows tablets for now. And given the fact the already uses android, the learning curve wont be as drastic.

So, the Google Nexus 7 it is. Now I just have to decide 32GB or 16GB + keyboard/cover or not. ugh. I'm thinking get the 32Gb and wait on the keyboard. I can just get a simple cheap rubberized cover for now.