Question tcl 20xe phone will not text a number


Aug 20, 2016
my wife has a tcl 20xe and for some reason she can't text her brothers phone. she could not call him for a long time so i checked her phone and she did not have his number blocked so he may have and it blocked and unblocked and did not tell her. however she tries to message him and she gets an error message that says in red not sent touch again to try again and it sends the same error message.

but if she uses the call button and her phone starts a call and calls and then stops that call she get a premade custom message to send or she can create a custom message and that goes thru.

so where might i go in this tcl20xe setting to get the message section to work? she can send messages to everyone else but him. and for a long time she could not even call him. so i'm thinking she has a switch turned off on this tcl20xe thanks
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