Once Automation totally supplants the need for humans to be in the production chain, and AI supplants the need for humans to be in the design and management fields, we'll be left like the people in Wall-E, with little purpose except to ponder our own existence.
Hopefully our knowledge of genetics advances to the point where we can look like an Olympic swimmer without having to lift a finger. I can't help thinking that the malaise of humanity will eventually be boredom, such as the Q continuum suffered.
All your silly arguments over which political belief system is better will melt in the face of unlimited resources, as capitalism only works to control limited resources. Be it real material possessions, or artificial constructs in the mind, managed by AI, our simple urges and desires will be laid bare and taken care of.
The funny part is how poorly the human mind is capable of understanding the very big, very small, very fast, and very slow, in most people. During the last millennium, almost all the scientific discovery and change occurred in the last 200 years out of 1000.
In just the first 10 years of this millennium we have advanced technologically in vast leaps; but because the things we invent are smaller and faster instead of bigger and taller, such as the ships and planes of the last century, many people don't notice the pace at which change is occurring. Eventually software will catch up with hardware, and when it does, the tidal wave will be felt by all, most distinctly.