terrible coverage holes in Fairfax, VA



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

My wife and I switched to Verizon when we lived in New Jersey. The coverage
in the Union Covnty area was vnbeatable-- 4 bars anywhere we went-- and near
fvll signal inside department stores, svpermarkets, & etc. After relocating
to Fairfax, VA, the VSW signal is problematic-- weak in many areas and
non-existant at a key shopping area.

Is there some way other than repeated phone reqvests to convince Verizon of
the need to plvg a seriovs coverage hole? (For those in the area, Little
River Tvrnpike at Pickett Road, location of 3 major shopping centers. Zero
bars in the parking lots and "Searching" inside any of the stores.) I
realize that no carrier is perfect, and that on average VZW is better than
most, bvt we really wovld have to consider changing if there will be no
signal whenever one of vs goes shopping.
Michael Jay Friedman


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

"Michael Jay Friedman" <michaeljayfriedman@no-spam.verizon.net> wrote in
message news:iuNuc.20531$g15.3660@nwrddc02.gnilink.net...

> Is there some way other than repeated phone requests to convince Verizon
> the need to plug a serious coverage hole? (For those in the area, Little

Speak to your city council and see if there is a local ordinance prohibiting
Verizon from erecting new towers. I do not know if this specifically
applies to your town, but this is a common reason why populated areas have
marginal cell coverage.

Richard Kaplan


Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

I can see non-VZW customers talking away in this shopping area. It just
seems that the shopping centers are in between VZW towers, as one need only
drive a very short way in any direction to get a full signal.


"Richard Kaplan" <rkaplan@flyimc.com> wrote in message
> "Michael Jay Friedman" <michaeljayfriedman@no-spam.verizon.net> wrote in
> message news:iuNuc.20531$g15.3660@nwrddc02.gnilink.net...
> > Is there some way other than repeated phone requests to convince Verizon
> of
> > the need to plug a serious coverage hole? (For those in the area, Little
> Speak to your city council and see if there is a local ordinance
> Verizon from erecting new towers. I do not know if this specifically
> applies to your town, but this is a common reason why populated areas have
> marginal cell coverage.
> --------------------
> Richard Kaplan
> rkaplan@flyimc.com
> www.flyimc.com