The Biggest Reason to Skip Galaxy S9 for S10

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Yea! Skip the Samsung product. Yet TG authors fawn over any iPhone thats released no matter how inconsequential is Apple's advancements. Apple cult rules!
Microsoft skipped Windows 9, Apple skipped iPhone 9, and now we're being told to skip Galaxy S9? What's wrong with 9?
this is getting out of control. I love my S6 Edge+ and except for dismal battery life, does all I need to use my phone for personal and business. I was up for a new phone when the S8 was just coming out so I waited and then the hype started that people should wait for the S9. Now, before the 9 is even out, the hype is "wait for the 10, it will be so much better. It's getting to be too much - not too mention too much money but, hey, we have to keep that economy churning along its unlimited growth path, don't we. I've always kept up with the latest phones - as much as possible - right up until my S6Edge+ that I've held onto for longer than any phone.
Actually, we named the Galaxy S8 the best phone when we initially reviewed it and it held onto that title for several months. The S9 could win that title back over the iPhone X depending on how well it camera performs.

The question is whether shoppers should wait for 5G or not, especially if you like your current phonne. That applies to Samsung and Apple. Note 4 has a gorgeous, large screen, a stylus, makes phone calls and sends/receives text and mms messages. I think that's called a "phone" these days. It also browses the web, runs navigation and maps, and plays video very nicely. Best of all its been PAID FOR a long time. Last time I upgraded was for 4G. Next time - it'll be for 5G when that matures. All the rest is just fluff. Got to get out of this crazy cycle of blowing $1,000 every couple years for ego.
Doesn't seem like much at all.Truly, do we really need a phone with more than 1080P on a tiny screen and a snapdragon 6 series ?
When you start measuring improvements in tenths of a second you know you have hit the wall....maybe voice recognition to open the phone will be the next big thing
truly do we need a phone with specs higher than a 8 series processor , 6GB of ram, 128GB storage and a 1080P display ?
Not for my money.
When they can give me a phone that opens by voice recognition and lasts a week on one charge then we will be getting somewhere, but when you start measuring improvements on a tiny 6 inch screen in tenths of a second then you have to realise we have hit the wall.
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