The Lost Art of Communication


Jan 20, 2009
With the latest reports from Nelison, is the age of face to face communication skills gone forever??


Yes, your kids (or you) are texting on average of 3,339 text a month versus picking up the phone and having an actual conversation. In the business world, I hear more and more, send me an email versus calling. We send an email question to the guy or girl down the hall instead of getting up and walking 5 feet to get the answer right away. Boyfriend / girlfriends texting each other in the same room, instead of actually speaking!! This doesn't even take into account Facebook and other social networks sites we visit to communicate of the "web".

Granted, I'm all for technology and advancement (otherwise I won't be here :) ) but what has ever happened to meeting up with someone face to face to communicate?


Jul 1, 2008
Yeah, I really don't understand boyfriend/girlfriends texting each other when they're in the same room. I've never done that. Well, I can't say that. I've done that few times in the past with my (now ex) girlfriend when trying to have a private conversation.
Ugh, yes, I'd say that face-to-face communication skills are going by the wayside with this generation and most likely the next. God knows what will happen with my grand kids (in theory). It may be a generation where everyone has social anxiety disorder. I cannot fathom sending/receiving 3300 texts a month, as on average I use somewhere in the range of 300-400 out and roughly the same number coming in. I use texts as more of a convenience and not as a means of primary communication with everyone I know.


Aug 23, 2006
Whats more disturbing, is combine this with the simple fact of ever increasing populations
Were going to need the robots of the future just to have my people get in touch with your people, who then can get in touch with your robot, who can then text your spoken words heheh
That's another way to look at it. But one would think that with more people walking around as the decades progress, that in some countries/regions, it would be virtually impossible not to talk to people face to face. Then again, with more people, there comes more and more people, especially youngsters, using cell phones for texting, which will put increased strain on the networks. One thing is bound to happen first: Our cell networks will not be able to keep up one day and we're all screwed or we'll over populate to the point where it really won't matter.;)
Great ... I'll just SMS the kids on their birthday, drop a few bucks in their Paypal account, e-mail the cleaning lady to check on their room each week, and possibly phone their mother from time to time.

This leaves me more time to play FABLE III ... just released today .... might take the rest of the week off work ... I'll SMS the boss and tell him I have rabies (badge bit me).

Nice little article Techmo

:lol: Include that you're foaming from the mouth and it's basically all over, but you'll be in next week.


May 29, 2008

It has it's ups and downs... For instance,

If I'm out with friends and a girl who I'm talking to/hooking up with is there and she texts me with something along the lines of; "This place is boring, let's blow this pop-stand and go to my place for some real fun!", I am all for texting!

In my opinion, people just have to adapt to it like many other things in this age of information. I know that if i go on a date with a girl and she likes me, she'll call me to talk, not text, so, using that knowledge to my advantage, i'll know in the future that if after a date, a girl just texts me and doesn't call, she's not really feeling it. In that case, I would just take the check and move on to the next fish in the sea...

The way i see it, it's better than having to read the subliminal "hair-twirling" or "pupils dilated" signs when face to face...

The above are just examples, there are many other contributing factors that i could go on for days about but i hope you get my point which is, make the best of it.

Just as long as one can maintain their face-to-face social skills, I would say that this is just an easy way to deal with things... Makes Bringing flowers to a girl you're interested in mean THAT much more as opposed to sending her a digital image of a pixelated rose... :p