With the latest reports from Nelison, is the age of face to face communication skills gone forever??
( http/blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/online_mobile/u-s-teen-mobile-report-calling-yesterday-texting-today-using-apps-tomorrow/)
Yes, your kids (or you) are texting on average of 3,339 text a month versus picking up the phone and having an actual conversation. In the business world, I hear more and more, send me an email versus calling. We send an email question to the guy or girl down the hall instead of getting up and walking 5 feet to get the answer right away. Boyfriend / girlfriends texting each other in the same room, instead of actually speaking!! This doesn't even take into account Facebook and other social networks sites we visit to communicate of the "web".
Granted, I'm all for technology and advancement (otherwise I won't be here ) but what has ever happened to meeting up with someone face to face to communicate?
Yes, your kids (or you) are texting on average of 3,339 text a month versus picking up the phone and having an actual conversation. In the business world, I hear more and more, send me an email versus calling. We send an email question to the guy or girl down the hall instead of getting up and walking 5 feet to get the answer right away. Boyfriend / girlfriends texting each other in the same room, instead of actually speaking!! This doesn't even take into account Facebook and other social networks sites we visit to communicate of the "web".
Granted, I'm all for technology and advancement (otherwise I won't be here ) but what has ever happened to meeting up with someone face to face to communicate?