The Oatmeal Raises Over $850,000 for Tesla Museum

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This is awesome. I'm glad we have taken notice of Tesla. I recall him being very downplayed in the history books as a child. I didn't know much about him until I was in middle school and was assigned to do a report over him, truth be told.
We had a Tesla Museum here in Colorado Springs that got shut down in 1998. It's a shame it didn't stay open. He did much of his work here, and thus, it was an appropriate place for such a museum.

Best of luck to them in their efforts, I hope this museum will stay open. I would love to visit it.
[citation][nom]beardguy[/nom]We had a Tesla Museum here in Colorado Springs that got shut down in 1998.[/citation]

Sad Cinema Snob is saaaad...
[citation][nom]lifelesspoet[/nom]Suck it Edison![/citation]
lol....Edison and Tesla are great, both of want to know who's a better man?....Einstein, he would run circles around both of's a fact.
Tesla invented:

1. AC power. Edison disliked the idea of a competition to his DC power design.

2. Light bulbs that use AC power after Edison refused to let Tesla use his patents.

3. Wireless power. Never got off the ground after JP Morgan (the person) pulled out.
[citation][nom]nebun[/nom]lol....Edison and Tesla are great, both of want to know who's a better man?....Einstein, he would run circles around both of's a fact.[/citation]

Not really you're comparing to completed different fields. Einstein gave us some really good stuff but what Tesla did was revolutionary and he didn't get the credit he deserved. I do not think tesla could have done what Einstein did but I also do not think Einstein could have done anything Tesla did either.
[citation][nom]A Bad Day[/nom]Tesla invented:1. AC power. Edison disliked the idea of a competition to his DC power design.2. Light bulbs that use AC power after Edison refused to let Tesla use his patents.3. Wireless power. Never got off the ground after JP Morgan (the person) pulled out.[/citation]
ha ha ha....btw DC motors are more efficient and last longer...why would Edison want to sell his patents???...if Tesla was so good how come he did not invent his own light bulb?...wireless power???.....are you joking?....if it was so good how come it's not widely used like the inventions that Edison and Einstein have developed?
[citation][nom]nebun[/nom]ha ha ha....btw DC motors are more efficient and last longer...why would Edison want to sell his patents???...if Tesla was so good how come he did not invent his own light bulb?...wireless power???.....are you joking?....if it was so good how come it's not widely used like the inventions that Edison and Einstein have developed?[/citation]
Are you REALLY that naive? Telsa believed in free energy and he provided it to the world. Problem is, you can't make money from "free" energy but it sure is easy to charge for DC/edison's method. So if you really can't figure out why history picked DC, you need to look up "Proven conspiracy theories"
[citation][nom]nebun[/nom]ha ha ha....btw DC motors are more efficient and last longer...why would Edison want to sell his patents???...if Tesla was so good how come he did not invent his own light bulb?...wireless power???.....are you joking?....if it was so good how come it's not widely used like the inventions that Edison and Einstein have developed?[/citation]
DC power is not very efficient over long distances. That's why we use AC power grids instead.
Lets not forget radio, oh and he DID make his own light bulbs and we do use them!
[citation][nom]ravewulf[/nom]DC power is not very efficient over long distances. That's why we use AC power grids instead.[/citation]
lol...long distance? about your AC?....that's not long distance, it's in your about your car?...those AC fans use DC often do they go bad...they really don't unless they are built by the lowest bidder
I've been laughing my head off at these comments. Anyone who has taken the engineering physics pre-reqs knows why we use AC for transmission and DC for electronics. My only wish is that whole house DC systems were more common so that I could have low power LEDs all over my house without each LED bulb requiring semiconductors for converting to DC.
I like that in 1898 Tesla patented logic gates whose principles are a fundamental part of so many modern processors - Something IBM tried to patent in the 1980's until they found he already had lol

He also made a working remote radio controlled (patented) boat in that same year, a couple of years before Marconi's 1900 Patent application. Tesla actually 1st transmitted and received radio in 1895.

In 1893 at the World Fair he had Many neon lights bent into all kinds of shapes, paterns and even famous scientists names

I just also found Tesla is attributed to having invented the laser too essentially in 1893, though his early device destroyed the ruby (his favorite choice) it used in a fairly short time. Later in 1918 he sent laser pulses to the moon.

too many more to mention really. Someone truly deserving of much greater recognition 😀
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