The Shape-Shifting Car of the Future

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The unimaginatively-named Cell is a three-wheeled pod that carries two people and runs on three wheels.

Wow really?! Would be a ton more cool if it was a three-wheeled pod that runs on four wheels... but that wouldn't be as trendy.
The unimaginatively-named Cell is a three-wheeled pod that carries two people and runs on three wheels.
Easy fix. Cut off the sentence after "people." Now it reads

"The unimaginatively-named Cell is a three-wheeled pod that carries two people."

This vehicle is rubbish! Not only does it only reduce width inside ur lane (as someone pointed out it's illegal to drive side by side even if you fit into the lane) but it's cutting the passenger capacity in half so you effectively double the number of vehicles used by people who car pool. Add the fact it's ugly as sin and the fact a 3 wheel design is inherently dangerous (ever seen a reliant robin go round a corner?) and this vehicle is a complete failure.
[citation][nom]husker[/nom]Pointless because it doesn't matter how narrow the vehicle is, it is still illegal to drive them side by side in the same lane of traffic. This law currently applies to motorcycles today. So whether the cars involved in a "traffic jam" are are 8 feet wide or 2 feet wide, the line of traffic will be the same length.Also, good luck meeting current safety regulations for cars (as apposed to motorcycles) with this design.[/citation]

... I take it you've never been to California?
And that's how Dragonball Z 's Cell existed in the real world (soon absorbing human life force, and taking over the world!) Lol!
So that would be the, "Weave and Crash" mode? Or "Weave and Tip" (Over) mode?

Also, a 10 year old girl on her pink bike (with tassles and stickers of course) would probably kill you if she side-swiped you...
I frakking hate those cars look how ugy they are its embarassing to be even seen on the street with that 😀
Sticking to my BMW M5
I frakking hate those cars look how ugy they are it's embarassing to be even seen on the street with that 😀
Sticking to my BMW M5
That's all bullshat:

They said in the years 2000 we would have car that flies:

The only thing they have been able to do is put crap in cars so they can make more profit and therefore reduce safety features.

The future is far away from here because the major companies wanna make the most profit outta outdated junk
This was just a conceptual project for a university design competition and was not designed for production. So everyone who has enjoyed picked the design to pieces, thanks for the opinions, but i think your missing the point. It has also been seemingly well recieved on other websites by people who actually understand design and indeed the need to diversify from the plain old motor car.

Tom Kent
For those going on about laws regarding lane sharing, where the designer lives (UK), lanes are regularly shared by multiple vehicles, and a vehicle that can become near enough bike width can have an advantage in traffic. In the UK motorbikes regularly overtake in the same lane as the cars they are passing, its called filtering and completely legal here and for most part safe if responsibly done.
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