I have a good workaround... maybe actually pay for your own account rather than freeloading? It's fraud plain and simple. I don't see how people think subscription sharing is socially acceptable.
Absolutely correct. Why should we be telling people how to cheat? Cheating is cheating whether it be on taxes, against your fellow man, or against a merchant. Spend time looking for alternative ways to LEGALLY get the programs you like. Look for discounts, promotions, and similar. The regular networks often allow u to watch a limited number of episodes from their site (NBC, ABC, CVS) for free. ..Often there are free trials under which you are under no obligation to continue once the free trial is over. Often and completely legal is that you can use a free trial and cancel it in time and then several ,months later they may have another. The companies know that many will cancel but they still offer them. But telling people how to cheat is WRONG and should not be done!