I really see 2 approaches to HTPC. One is that it is another source for an audio/video, entertainment, system like a turntable, DVD, or receiver. The second is it is a stand alone system, i.e., you're not running it through an receiver/TV. In both cases you want a quiet system but then things begin to diverge. As a source the challenge is getting the data, music, photos, videos, to the system at the highest possible quality. Things like the monitor and computer speakers are much less important because you'll be using the TV and system speakers and the receiver will be doing a lot of the audio processing. You also have the issue of getting the data from the computer to the system, e.g., hardwire vs wireless, as well as how many systems do you want to get the data to, do you want access in multiple rooms. As a standalone obviously the computer monitor and speakers become extremely important. If you live in a dorm, small apartment, or share an apartment or house and want set up for your room, then the standalone will be what you're building for, if you have a house and entertainment system you'll want it as a source.