This Device Can Read SNES, Genesis Carts via USB

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Intersting gadget but insanely expensive! Maybe for $20, but nobody will buy it for that price!
It's a nice rig, but since i have a great SNES emulator on my ps3, i don't think its a buy from me. From less tech savy peeps, i'm sure the will rack up a few sales. I would be interested to know what kind of filters they have in the device.
Hmm... In my view, playing console games on a PC, ported or via emulator = fail. Not to mention, a clear violation of common sense.

*Cringes @ hate replies...
illegal route by downloading the old ROMs

If I already own the cartridge (or another copy of the ROM data such as from XBLA or Virtual Console) it isn't
, so why would I bother with this thing?

Besides, you need an emulator to use this glorified piece of plastic anyways! You can already convert old Genesis or SNES controllers to USB, or better yet use different, newer, more comfortable controllers like the ones that come with the Xbox 360.

Since this isn't internally a Genesis or SNES, you'll still experience the same problems that come with emulation.

So while this is a cool idea... it doesn't really do much especially considering the price.
Nice anmd straight forward way for the old timers amongst us to go on a trip down memory lane.
I have wasted $84 for many a dinner, this should "last" a little longer ;-)
You take your Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo and connect it to your PC using a cheap pci card that has video in connector. Then you play your games on your PC screen easily using your original equipment.
$84,... yeah right...
I'm pretty sure owning the rom is perfectly legal as long as you own a physical copy of the game. That pretty much eliminates the purpose of avoiding the supposed "illegal" route.
I'm pretty sure owning the rom is perfectly legal as long as you own a physical copy of the game. That pretty much eliminates the purpose of avoiding the supposed "illegal" route.

Correct, as held by the US Supreme Court. Same logic applies to BIOS images, which are legal to backup yourself, but illegial to download.

Since this isn't internally a Genesis or SNES, you'll still experience the same problems that come with emulation.

Such as? The SNES and Genesis have been perfectly emulated for over a decade now. Heck, you have options between the "lets get it working" emulators [such as SNES9x for the SNES] and "lets perfectly emulate the SNES" [such as BSNES]. Even the SNES expansion chips and mode7 support is emulated now [and mode7 wasn't even attempted to be emulated on wii re-releases; those scenes were either removed or redone because mode7 is so hard to do].
If I already own the cartridge (or another copy of the ROM data such as from XBLA or Virtual Console) it isn't,

Actually, it is probably illegal to download a ROM, even if you own the origonal image. To my knowledge, there aren't any legal cases that cover this particular case. But given the internal ID for the ROM would not match up with the physical copy you already own, I would imagine most courts would rule this illegial.

Same murky legay grey area as rom hacking and translations...
very fun idea, the pricetag should be $19.99 as it is simply a card reader. it should also have ports for came controllers on it at that price
[citation][nom]kristoffe[/nom]very fun idea, the pricetag should be $19.99 as it is simply a card reader. it should also have ports for came controllers on it at that price[/citation]

It...does...have ports....

Even if you don't read the article (which you should before commenting) you can obviously see the ports in the picture.
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