This is going to be a read.....
First, with the advent of threading software whether using free threading, mutex, semaphores, or in the old days, file locks.
I am still wondering, I have so many flinking threads on my box right now, and with a new application that I am working on that does the thread thing; it simply can run about 23-35 threads at it's height of doing things.
But it scales WONDERFULLY with multiple cores, but not so much with hyper threading.
I am thinking the gist of it is I should get a new compiler from Intel and head back to the C++ days and use their 'parallel' compiler. That I think would optimize my threads in a parallel fashion to take advantage HT technology.
I dont even know if I should post this here instead of at Intel or Microsoft or NVidia.
Any input, argument, laughing, get a life (smirk) line would be appreciated.
First, with the advent of threading software whether using free threading, mutex, semaphores, or in the old days, file locks.
I am still wondering, I have so many flinking threads on my box right now, and with a new application that I am working on that does the thread thing; it simply can run about 23-35 threads at it's height of doing things.
But it scales WONDERFULLY with multiple cores, but not so much with hyper threading.
I am thinking the gist of it is I should get a new compiler from Intel and head back to the C++ days and use their 'parallel' compiler. That I think would optimize my threads in a parallel fashion to take advantage HT technology.
I dont even know if I should post this here instead of at Intel or Microsoft or NVidia.
Any input, argument, laughing, get a life (smirk) line would be appreciated.