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Gordon Burditt wrote:
> >Gordon Burditt wrote:
> >> It sounds like a simple non-Tivo DVR would meet your needs. Some
> >> of them also do DVD recording.
> >
> >Yes, but it's finding this "non-Tivo DVR" that is the problem. Most
> >seem to come with a TV Guide that I've read does not work with DirecTV.
> Since you said you wanted it as a VCR replacement, I assumed you
> don't CARE about the guide data.
Good point. It's true that what's most important to me is being able
to pause, rewind shows I'm watching live...and of course I'd like to be
able to set it up to copy shows that I'm unable to watch live. The TV
Guide would just make that process easier, though I'm willing to do it
the same as I did with my VCR.
> >On the other hand, if I went with a real Tivo (now supported in Canada)
> >and pay the subscription, I understand it still wouldn't change
> >channels on my DirecTV receiver. In other words, telling Tivo to record
> >the entire season of Lost really wouldn't do anything unless I made
> >sure my DirecTV was set to ABC...correct?
> TiVo can control other devices using the IR blaster, *if* it
> understands the codes for that device. Or you can use the serial
> cable, if your receiver will work with it. I thought a standalone
> TiVo could control a DirecTV receiver, along with a lot of other
> cable and satellite set-top boxes. A standalone TiVo with DirecTV
> isn't the optimum setup (with a DirecTiVo you get two tuners, and
> the TiVo subscription is less expensive).
Yes, I'd prefer the DirecTivo, but that's not an option because of my
location. I can't call DirecTV from here...even on my U.S. cellphone,
because it roams to a Canadian carrier...and if DirecTivo tries to call
DirecTV, it just won't go thru. (Someone else suggested a U.S. calling
card...good idea!) From what I've seen online, Tivos aren't extremely
expensive, so even paying the lifetime fee would make it cheaper than
some of the DVRs and give me the main features I want, especially
simplicity. Now, if a Tivo WILL control the DirecTV receiver, then
I've got a good substitute for the DirecTivo...though I'd be missing
out on being able to watch & record two different programs. Any way of
telling in advance if it will control the DirecTV receiver?
Finally, any recommendations on the model of Tivo....or the make/model
of a non-Tivo that will do what I want? The reviews for the non-Tivos
get pretty complicated for a non-techie. The RCA DVR 10

/,2588,PI700686,00.html) sounded
good until I read that it requires a firewire connection. The Phillips
HDRW720 will record to a DVD (something I'd rarely use), but apparently
the remote isn't user-friendly and the instruction booklet is 80 pages!