@ TiVoCableCutter... I hear you. I'm using an OTA DVR called TabloTV ($149 lifetime for guide services) with a 1TB WD external drive and have been nursing my family off of cable with that and subscriptions to Hulu Plus, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. I was already paying for Amazon Prime for the delivery service and Netflix even though I had cable. So Hulu was really the only add-on service for me.
I bought my own cable modem, a couple of Roku boxes and a magicjack network connected device ($2-3/month unlimited phone service depending on the payment plan you choose). I already have everything in place and we will be officially "cutting the cord" on Sep 2 and going from a $190 cable/phone/internet bill to a $30/month internet bill (30Mbps)/month. In three months, I'll have paid for the additional hardware (based on the savings) and from that point on, it's $150 in savings/month. I was paying approximately $40 just in equipment rental (1DVR, 2 HD and a cable modem) through comcast!
With that TabloTV, I'm able to broadcast Live and recorded TV to my Android Tablet, PCs, Roku boxes, iPad... pretty much anywhere in my house now.