Logitech makes 'gaming' and business class headsets. Not any real headphones. I'm sure they're fine for what they are but they aren't something I'd buy for music.
Does anyone use Logitech Z906 surround sound system? I'm in the market for some new speakers for my room.. Its a small room and I'm not much of a gamer, tho I saw some reviews recommending them for gaming. I would use them more for movie nights and that kind of stuff. Any suggestions for something better than Z906 at the similar price point?
Does anyone use Logitech Z906 surround sound system? I'm in the market for some new speakers for my room.. Its a small room and I'm not much of a gamer, tho I saw some reviews recommending them for gaming. I would use them more for movie nights and that kind of stuff. Any suggestions for something better than Z906 at the similar price point?
I'm not sure you can do better at the $200 price point. In fact I'm not sure there are any 5.1 setups even close at that price. They should be really good for entertainment and yes even gaming. They wouldn't be what I'd buy for primarily listening to music but for entertainment, gaming and some music I'd say they're a great choice.
For home usage
Sennheiser HD800 paired up with a focusrite scarlett solo (Feelsbatman, but it's alright) and Darkvoice 336se on occasion when I feel like it :3
Beyerdynamic DT770
For work
KZ zs6
VE monks
For running
Shure se215
For transit in cold times
Audio Technica ATH-M40X
Takstar Pro 82
Leftovers or spare headphones for lending to friends and family
Audio Technica AD700
AKG K701
Beyerdyanmic DT990
Also my wonderful pads :3
2x normal HM5 pleather pads
2x Angled HM5 pleather pads
Angled HM5 sheepskin pads
And a plethora of ear tips
For home usage
Sennheiser HD800 paired up with a focusrite scarlett solo (Feelsbatman, but it's alright) and Darkvoice 336se on occasion when I feel like it :3
Beyerdynamic DT770
For work
KZ zs6
VE monks
For running
Shure se215
For transit in cold times
Audio Technica ATH-M40X
Takstar Pro 82
Leftovers or spare headphones for lending to friends and family
Audio Technica AD700
AKG K701
Beyerdyanmic DT990
Also my wonderful pads :3
2x normal HM5 pleather pads
2x Angled HM5 pleather pads
Angled HM5 sheepskin pads
And a plethora of ear tips
Nice! Haven't heard the 800s yet. Does the tube amp help with the treble issues the 800 can have? One of these days I'm going to get a tube just to see if the 650s respond as well as everyone says. Not that they need warming up. Massdrop has that Darkvoice fairly cheap pretty often.
For home usage
Sennheiser HD800 paired up with a focusrite scarlett solo (Feelsbatman, but it's alright) and Darkvoice 336se on occasion when I feel like it :3
Beyerdynamic DT770
For work
KZ zs6
VE monks
For running
Shure se215
For transit in cold times
Audio Technica ATH-M40X
Takstar Pro 82
Leftovers or spare headphones for lending to friends and family
Audio Technica AD700
AKG K701
Beyerdyanmic DT990
Also my wonderful pads :3
2x normal HM5 pleather pads
2x Angled HM5 pleather pads
Angled HM5 sheepskin pads
And a plethora of ear tips
Nice! Haven't heard the 800s yet. Does the tube amp help with the treble issues the 800 can have? One of these days I'm going to get a tube just to see if the 650s respond as well as everyone says. Not that they need warming up. Massdrop has that Darkvoice fairly cheap pretty often.
The tubes does wonders on the HD800's. The 6.3khz peak pretty much disappears and gives it a nice low-end. It's pretty much like pouring honey on the sound. I love it.
I could imagine the HD650's would also do great with tubes. Sadly I sold mine before I got my Darkvoice :|
But tubes are totally worth it Imo. The tube rolling gets quite expensive super fast though. Already spent about $80 on just 2 tubes 😱
Massdrop must have had it in stock since it shipped a month early. Just using it with the DAC in my STX for now. Early impression is that it sounds amazing. There's something to Class A at least with HD 650s which are all I've tried so far.
Forum decided to do its 'I'm broken' thing right as I tried to edit this thread...
Anyway. After a week with the X7S it is a clear sound quality upgrade. Stereo separation and detail are spectacular. The highest praise I can give something is it makes me want to listen to all my music again and the X7S does just that. Sound quality should actually increase as I get a separate DAC for it ( using the STX DAC for now ) and a balanced cable.
Now all I need is a good separate DAC. Thinking about the Topping D50. Then maybe a tube amp..... 😀
Oh and a balanced cable for the 600/650s. Hopefully for less than I paid for the headphones. Cables are expensive!
Got a balanced 600/650 cable on ebay from CorpseCables for $55. It's a stock 650/660S cable that he reterminated in a 4pin Neutrik XLR. Very professional work for a great price.
I also got a discreet DAC, a Topping D30.
3/4 of my endgame right here. Eventually I'll add a tube amp which most likely with be the Massdrop x Alex Cavalli Tube Hybrid Amp (CTH).
Topping makes the little stack and it just happens to fit all my stuff. It's clear acrylic and grabs just a hint of the LEDs behind my monitor. I think it looks really good.
Picked up a pair of Monoprice M1060s on sale last week. Ummm wow? I can't believe how good these are especially at the $237 sale price. Some people report a 5K ringing but either not all of them have it or my ears aren't sensitive to it. The drivers in these things are spectacular. Modding them is so popular Audeze quit selling pads to people unless they could prove they own Audeze headphones because people were buying these and swapping the pads to make Audeze 'killers'.
They compete with the Ebony Fostex in that I don't skip tracks or genre pair with them. They can handle just about anything. They don't have the warm liquid mids of the Fostex but they make up for it in width. Fostex still has more bass but the 1060s extend very well. They're fun. I'll give it a month before I decided on trying the 'fuzzor' mod and pad swap.
The M1060s are getting returned. The more I listened and compared them to what I have now the less I liked them. The driver has a lot of potential. Extension on both ends is amazing and with a bass boost EQ'd in they slam harder than any headphones I've ever used. Imaging and width are also very good. They just have a strange tonality in the mids I can't get past. They'd make really good gaming headphones but I'll keep my HD598s there.
I think I'm just going to get the Modhouse Argon MK IIIs.
I actually just got me some T60RP's and they sound KILLER,
Be aware Anort, any T50 mods will require power, I use the Emotiva A-100 with the modification of removing the resistor for the headphone port and JESUS the power.
I've got 600s and 650s. I feel like the 58X Jubilee wouldn't be different enough or would be more a step towards my 598s. It is a great value though. I will get the 660S when the price drops a bit.
They're supposed to be exactly the same as the 660S with a slightly different sound signature, Zeos seems to have a love hate relationship with them for that reason.
Zeo's reviews are wonderfully entertaining but he likes everything and I don't necessarily trust his ear. Grainy with less resolving treble is how most reviewers compare the 58x to the 600/650. Bass is great for an open dynamic but I have 2 pair of Fostex for bass.