Top Kid Tech Gifts for 2008

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Aug 12, 2008

Stop buying this crap for kids `under 5.' These kids don't need these things nor really care. Give 'em sticks, a dog, rocks, maybe a bb gun or something. Get them a toy hammer. How about a baseball and glove. Don't begin their life as a sedentary mush ball. Start them running and developing. THEN give them gadgets after they've learned to be active so that they don't just turn into future cardiovascular and diabetes nightmares.


May 16, 2008
[citation][nom]malveaux[/nom]*Sigh*Stop buying this crap for kids `under 5.' These kids don't need these things nor really care. Give 'em sticks, a dog, rocks, maybe a bb gun or something. Get them a toy hammer. How about a baseball and glove. Don't begin their life as a sedentary mush ball. Start them running and developing. THEN give them gadgets after they've learned to be active so that they don't just turn into future cardiovascular and diabetes nightmares.[/citation]
Thanks, Malveaux, for your keen social commentary. I, also, hope that parents don't limit their children's free time to technology and toys in lieu of physical play.

Rachel Rosmarin, Editor, Tom's Guide


Actually, my friend just got one and from what he said, it's hardly a sedentary toy. His daughter is about 2 years old and she uses her smart-e-bear as a teddy bear at night, but loves rocking out and dancing to the music during the day. She goes crazy dancing every time it plays "Five Little Monkeys".

The picture above may be a bit misleading, but the toy isn't tethered to a computer at all when the kid uses it, only when the parents want to change the music or settings.

I agree our kids need less screen time and more play time, but I wouldn't discount all gadgets as bad for them, especially ones that might make them get up and be active. Compared the video games and other screen-centric tech toys that are aimed at kids, I think this is a great alternative.


You can have your cake and eat it too, Malviaux! My goodness....get off your lecture horse.


Dec 27, 2010
Can I just comment to the people above that don't agree with this 'toy'. Firstly, it is not a toy, it is an MP3 player!! My 2 year old loves nothing more than listening to music, and...DANCING!! Quite what you expect a child to do with this 'gadget' I have no idea, but my son would certainly not be sitting on the floor staring at what is essentially a cassette player for the new generation of kids. He will be using his new found independence and carrying his music around with him, dancing and playing with his other toys, while deciding what music he wants to listen to. I suggest you get off your high horse and actually embrace new technology instead of poo pooing it from your moral high ground.

Malveaux, no wonder you are such a stick in the mud if all you were given to play with as a child was a stick. Ooh, and a bb gun for a 2 year old, smashing idea...
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