Toshiba BIOS Not Installing

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Aug 2, 2018
I have a Toshiba Portege Z20t-C with a vanilla image. Upon trying to update the BIOS to the latest version I get the error "This computer is not supported." After doing much research I found that I needed the Value Added Package. I downloaded and install still getting the same error message. I know I am missing a crucial application that will allow the BIOS to update. I just can't seem to figure out which one I need.
Could it be that your installing the wrong BIOS, installing wrong BIOS update can cause damages maybe your laptop is preventing from that happening.

I believe I would not be asking the question if it was as simple the wrong file. Also, there are numerous reasons why you should update a BIOS. Here is an Article in case you do not agree.

This question is specific to the Toshiba app that needs to be installed before you can update the BIOS. The VAP does not seem to resolve the issue. What other Toshiba app would I need to install?

That would be a good reason if the BIOS in question would address that, but I don't see it on the logs on the BIOS for your model.
I have never had to install any Toshiba app before upgrading the BIOS.
What I have done in some laptops is disable Secure Boot before updating the BIOS
The BIOS could be also updated from a bootable USB or CD-ROM and in that case you need to disable Secure Boot and also change the Boot Mode from UEFI to CSM.
If you select the wrong BIOS you could brick your laptop.

Are you using the Toshiba image or a vanilla image (meaning no Toshiba stuff installed)? Using MDT, we install a custom image consisting of a vanilla copy of Windows 10 Pro, drivers and basic software our End Users will use.

Other things I have found missing:
PowerShell: Get-WmiObject -NameSpace "root\wmi" -Query "SELECT * FROM QuerySmbiosStrings"
- OEMStrings (No Entry)

Via registry:
- VNDOWNLID (No Entry)
- VNOEMString (No Entry)
- VNSOFTNUM (No Entry)

I compared these entries to an identical model and all these items are set with the proper strings. What sets these strings in the Toshiba image? I need to duplicate the process on a custom image.

I believe these missing strings are what is causing the BIOS Package not to run.
Question from monarch684 : "Toshiba BIOS Not Installing"

I think you are trying to perform to large of an upgrade in your BIOS. Try doing it in increments.

From vanilla try to upgrade to like version 1.x of the bios. Then 2.x etc... try to go up one version at a time.

vanilla\stock BIOS is most likely missing strings that are including in BIOS versions that you dont have applied yet.

Also how are you verifying this is the correct BIOS upgrade for your system? Please link the BIOS you are downloading.

Link to BIOS:
The earliest BIOS is 5.6. If I understand correctly, you are saying to start there and work my way up?
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