Toshiba laptop won't startup

David Allan

Feb 25, 2015
I have a toshiba satellite L850D and while it initially started up this morning - the screen then went black and the red battery charge lite and the white life to the right of it remained on but just a black screen.

I then followed recommendations on another thread here and unplugged, took out the battery and held down the power button for thirty seconds before replacing the battery and power cord.

I did this a few times.

When I pressed power I could hear the DVD drive kick on (there was a DVD in there from last night) and it would go no further than the red light and white light being stuck on.

The lights remained on even when I removed the power cord.

I was watching the DVD last night and fell asleep so I assumed the battery ran dead as when I tried to turn it on this morning in bed ( not plugged in) the white light just flashed.

Any suggestions?


Most likely your laptop died.

If you did the power cycle properly.
If you hear the dvd but then nothing. Most likely a problem with motherboard power regulator.
Piece of advice, you should buy another brand next time.