coastie65 :
A little information would be helpful, such as, is getting through post and to the Manufacturer's splash screen ? If so. then more than likely, your Hdd has failed, but we need some more information on the exact problem you are having.
Hi, initially getting to screen giving option to "repair" or start windows normally. On "repair" screen showed loading windows files bar, then briefly into colour and the windows bar (green segments passing, just once) but then to black screen and cursor pointer (moveable) in middle of screen.
Checked that HDD was seated and it was.
Bios, identified HDD and CD - but on some F2 checks, occasionally did not identify HDD, so I restored default settings and HDD appeared in bios.
Left pc on overnight and this morning have progressed to start-up repair box, cycling progress bar with advice that "attempting repairs" this has been going on for over 2 hours.
Listening to pc, there is a click, click, click etc coming from the hdd - occasionally disk spins.
Maybe need to leave it to get on with process but perhaps it has stopped? Any help much appreciated.