Toyota: The Company Everyone Wants to Sue

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Quarter million kilometres or more, driven every day for 12 years now.
I love Toyota.

Not some POS Ford that breaks down in 2 years or Dodge that is a peice of scrap after one...

Toyota is handling the situation properly in my opinion, so people, lay off on the lawsuits.

By the way, if your gas pedal gets stuck, throw it in neutral, hit the gas, get it unstuck, then throw it back in drive.
A little firmware update fixes the Prius. Don't all early video drivers come buggy at first? Making the perfect code is still a challenge for even the best. =)
I'm gonna go see if I can get 20 years and 500,000km out of this Camry.
People see this issue as foreign auto maker making cars unsafe for Americans!! and screaming BUY GM FORD and most are made in Canada and Mexico. but the Toyota models there bashing are made in the usa
Tennessee i thinks. so lets boycott Toyota and put Americans out of work because of layoffs caused by the exaggeration caused by the media and Government and toyota need to save some cash to cover not selling cars for 30days
"If that's the case, if that is proved true in a court of law, then Toyota may end up closing its doors for good."

Isn't that a little too far fetched?
yanks live in a far fetched world anyway and only about 15% of toyota's are actually made in the USA and they dont usa parts made by a lazy half asseed hill billy that signs his name with an X cos hes alittle retarded.

no there made mostly in europe or asia.

built to last and built right, shame most of the fuckEEd up cars where put together int he states so that must tell you something right 😉
[citation][nom]kingnoobe[/nom]Um ya cause ford, gm, chevy.. *damn near every other car manufacter*. Has never had these problems amirite? Seriously Toyota fucked up, and now their gonna pay for it. But I'd still would go buy a toyota any day of the week just not one of these two models. Although really only people who shouldn't be on the road anyways would get in a wreck because an accelater got stuck, or a slight delay in breaks *how about not riding peoples ass give yourself some time.. o that's right your one of those dumbass offensive drivers*. Parents this is why your kids first car should be a pos borderline unsafe. This way they know learn to drive, and learn to deal with problems. Instead of being some idiot that freaks out when something unforeseen happens.[/citation]

Seriously. Some one is talking some sense. The brakes in in s10 died going down a hill after i put the vortec blower in it. I dodged 3 cars and made a hairpin corner onto the interstate. I then drove the 20 miles home and fixed it. No accidents.
No-one mentions that the faulty throttle was used by Peugeot, Citroen and Toyota - why aren't they getting the bad press as well? Floormats? Well if you are so retarded as to not be able to notice and move a floormat out of the way before it's an issue, then you shouldn't be driving.

The Prius braking thing - I don't know the specifics, but I think it's a slight delay between switching from regenerative to normal braking under certain conditions. Unfortunate, worthy of a recall, but how many manufacturers haven't had a recall in the past 5 years? On every car I buy I look up the recalls to make sure they have been done...
what is the use of the sue unless someone smashed the car due to faulty brakes!! at least they were honest about the problem and took action unlike nVidia and other companies
i think it's horrible that xbox live is discontinuing service for halo 2. you know how many fans are out there microsoft? OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[citation][nom]matt87_50[/nom]this is as bad as "brand loyalty" buy the product that suits you, that is the best.there are principles like not buying if its made by slaves, or bad for the planet, but this is just stupid. I suppose you think toyota is the reason Ford, GM ect were on the brink during the GFC?maybe it was people that would blindly buy their cars with reasoning like this, despite them not perhaps being the best, causing them to get big headed and not see a reason to compete on the points that mattered?and do you think that Ford or GM would be as big if there weren't people all around the world buying cars from them "Foreign" brands?[/citation]

What it wrong with brand loyalty? I am sorry, if buying the best means buying a foreign vehicle, then I guess I won't be driving what you might think is the "best".

Toyota has nothing to do with the American car companies problems, nothing at all.

You may elect to disagree with my opinion, that is your right.
But do not for a second start running your mouth about what I think or do not think. You don't have any idea who I am or what I think.
am i the only one who finds this odd that a Japanese company is getting crucified for issues? sounds like we're just trying to get ford and gm back to the top with their junk. i have driven both gm's and ford's, both feel cheap compared to a Toyota... and a Toyota feels cheap compared to a European car. it won't be long until suddenly Hyundai or Honda has a small hiccup and everyone is out for blood.
At least they don't explode upon rear impact. If Ford would have had its Pinto problems during the age of the Internet, they would have gone bankrupt.
At least they don't explode upon rear impact. If Ford would have had its Pinto problems during the age of the Internet, they would have gone bankrupt.
The people at USA are simply dying they do not have health insurance!Nobody is talking,no lawsuits,no help,no news no one give a shit above this.But where is the money yes!What is wrong with you fucking greedy people.
Yes Toyota has the problems.

A Harvard Study estimates 45,000 people a year.

Although people die because they have no health insurance, a hospital cannot turn away anyone with a life threatening condition so in theory nobody should die because they do not have health insurance. However, many people choose not to see a physician because they do not have a way to pay once the treatment has been provided. However, often by the time they get to a hospital, their life threatening condition is too far advanced to be saved. Also, life saving treatment of some prescription drugs or certain medical procedures (such as dialysis or transplant operations) may not be affordable and are thus the patient is denied a life saving drug or operation.

No one cares about the 4.5 million cars ford recalled 5 months ago (Yep October 2009). They recalled cars dating from 1993 to 1997, so it took them what? On average 15 years to admit there's a safety issue (recall is for a switch prone to cause car fires).

At the very least Toyota's recalling cars made in this decade, I'd still buy one, customer service is still leagues ahead of the competition.
[citation][nom]gtown[/nom]Ford Pinto ring any bells?[/citation]

How long ago was that? This should not be happening now. Truth is since wall street and the big detroit automakers got in a bunch off finical trouble their quality has been getting better. Ford Fusion is one of the most reliable cars.

I'd prefer to buy an American car because they are better quality than they were before and I am sick of all the crap coming out of china and other non-us companies where only our jobs go along with our money when we buy their products. Lenovo included!
[citation][nom]bad_code[/nom]How long ago was that? This should not be happening now. Truth is since wall street and the big detroit automakers got in a bunch off finical trouble their quality has been getting better. Ford Fusion is one of the most reliable cars. I'd prefer to buy an American car because they are better quality than they were before and I am sick of all the crap coming out of china and other non-us companies where only our jobs go along with our money when we buy their products. Lenovo included![/citation]

The only reason why this happens is because people worship price instead of value. Pay a bit more for stuff made with quality parts and assembled by someone who knows what they're doing, and it will actually end up being cheaper.

Sucks that this happened to Toyota, but I stopped caring about them after they killed the Supra, MR2 and Celica.

[citation][nom]captaincharisma[/nom]lol i'd bet ford gets there crappy parts from the same place toyota does. you want a money pit for a car go American[/citation]

Maybe you should start doing more research because the quality gap between North American and foreign-made cars has nearly diminished.

> lol, im not a buy american, but its times like this I feel good driving a ford

Or how about Crown Victorias that exploded when rear ended. After several cops dying Ford only installed the free gas tank shields for police cars since, "Normal citizens aren't likely to get in such accidents."

Or how about Mustang convertables with exploding fuel tanks when hit from behind? To make things really interesting, Ford designed the body extra flimsy so that the doors would jam shut when rear-ended! Hmmm... Car on fire... Can't get out, doors stuck... Ooops, got the top up.... DOH!!!
I hate the mentality of buying American because it is good for our economy. Buying strictly American goes against what American economics is all about: Competition!

What incentive does a company have to make a better product when no matter what people will buy? Welfare costs too much as it is; we don't need to start subsidizing the automotive industry (oh wait...)

This is capitalism, folks. Whoever makes the best car at my time of purchase gets my dollar. Simple as that. Those are true American values. I'd rather lie defeated than floating along on someone else's good graces....

Well everyone is just hitting with news of how the Toyota is going bad the last few years but everyone doesn't have a clue what is going on in all the country's like for instance here in South Africa our leading 2 brands is Toyota and VW and the reason here is because its a 3rd world country and everyone here wants value for there money and therefor our products we buy must give us the best we can buy and for that we buy Toyota/VW because of their reliablity and their services and if we want to buy any other brand we know of , to get a car that you can send in for a service every 10 to 15 thousand kilometers they just tell you they are waiting for the parts and that can take up to 6 months and thats why I think they can do the lawsuits and critics as much as they want.Toyota is theirfor one of the best quality cars in african country's and they will never go down. Im driving a 2008 hilux with about 350 000 KM and never once did I or any other person with our Toyota's that I know of has any big issues here. You guys can chat as much as you want about the company's you personaly don't like but never try to make a issue of something you are not sertain of.
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