Solved! Urgent: Disk read error has occurred, press ctrl alt delete to restart


Dec 9, 2010
Same error message is received on my Dell D800 w/XP running error message states only Disk Read Error press Alt ,Del, Ctrl , which loops all over continually and nothing ever happens I cant' reach my desktop now Please send help :pt1cable: :bounce:
test your hardware - hdd, memory, etc
good tools:

Seatools for Dos (HDD)
Memtest (Memory)
UBCD4WIN (General)

most likely a faulty hdd - test to confirm

ofcourse like any responsible person you have backups of any important data and incase of the hdd failure right?
test your hardware - hdd, memory, etc
good tools:

Seatools for Dos (HDD)
Memtest (Memory)
UBCD4WIN (General)

most likely a faulty hdd - test to confirm

ofcourse like any responsible person you have backups of any important data and incase of the hdd failure right?
Thank you and this was my son's laptop and I am trying to help out,am now running memory tests etc. via a Dell boot disk which will hopefully correct this error ,no there was no backup in place for any :hello: hdd failure?