Used laptop price


May 15, 2013
Hello guys how much could I sell my Toshiba satellite P755-S5215 for.

It is in very good condition. There is nothing wrong with it, I just want to upgrade.
Also if I do get it sold I was looking for a desktop for casual gaming. I play guild wars 2, skyrim, and elder scrolls online when it comes out.

I looked at the alienware x51, but I have heard a lot of bad things about alienware being way over priced. Would it be better if I just ordered the parts separate then build it myself? It will be my first time assembling a computer, but I am an electrician(electric motors/veriable frequency drive). Budget is around 800-1200.

You will definitely pay a premium for the name, but that's not to say they're necessarily bad systems. It used to be noticeably cheaper to custom build your own system, but now it's roughly equivalent - sometimes more expensive - to do so, as OEMs subsidize the price with all the bloatware they load.

The nice thing is that prices on components are always fluctuating and if you shop smart, you can still get good deals that would warrant building from scratch yourself; plus, the whole system is tailored exactly to your needs that way. :)