Solved! Using a TV or Monitor as a bulletin board - HELP

Mar 19, 2018
I need help to set up a screen (smart tv or...? ) on which I can display photos, documents, and videos shot on various types of cell phones. PLUS - I am as far from technically savvy as you can get. This is for providing a large group with updates on progress from smaller groups. It would be updated at the very most weekly. It is basically a modern bulletin board. Any suggestions on how to do this, what TV or device to buy, any specifics about how to accomplish it will be greatly appreciated. Many of the videos and photos will be sent in from people all over the world - using primarily their cell phones. The documents likely will be created either on PC or Apple products. Some images, maps for instance, will be downloaded from the internet. Wireless or USB???
PLEASE note as I said early in this post - I am NOT TECH SAVVY.. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Mar 19, 2018

Thank you for your info! That might be very helpful. Right now what I need to know is what sort of TV or monitor to use? I’ve learned that many block playback and you only know that once you’ve read the manual after buying the tv.... I’ve learned that some have USB ports but don’t allow playback of anything except still photos.... I don’t know if a SMART TV or a 4K tv is better and dont know the difference between them. I also don’t know if a monitor vs a TV (smart of otherwise) is appropriate. I don’t know if USB is necessary if there’s a Bluetooth option and if that’s the way to go I don’t know if there’s such a thing as a Bluetooth tv...

I quite literally am at the very beginning of figuring out if its possible for my plan to get rid of the paper and pushpin bulletin board can be replaced in this way. If you ( or anyone else) have any thoughts or insights I’d be most grateful to hear from you. Blessings.