Using Google Glass to Browse the Web

Google Glass is a fairly new technology that allows users to easily connect to the web. With voice commands and simple tapping, you can browse the Internet in a new and fun way, and Google Glass includes a web browser to make it even easier.

Step 1: Search for something on the web using Google Glass. You can do this via a voice command, like “search pictures of cats,” or by using the touchpad. When Google Glass first came to the market, often the search result would not result in anything because the software did not have its own browser installed. This problem has now been fixed.

Step 2: Tap the search result and select “View website.” Now, you’re beginning to surf the web with Google Glass. It shouldn’t take you too long to connect.

Step 3: To scroll down using Google Glass, slide your finger forward on the touchpad. To zoom, slide two fingers forward or backward.

Step 4: To pan, move your head around. Click on a link by using the round pointer, which looks like a circle, and tap the touchpad to select on the screen.

Recap: Google Glass is a revolutionary technology, and might take a little getting used to when you first start to use it. However, by following these steps, you’ll find that browsing the web is easy with this cool device. Remember that Google Glass should only be used for what Google calls “microinteractions,” and not for watching movies or reading long books.