Using Instagram On a PC

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Mar 22, 2021
Hello-I have a couple of Instagram-related questions when accessed using a PC.

1.What are the steps to turn auto-play off so that Instagram videos do not play automatically?

2.Is there a way to view previous name searches (In Facebook, typing the first letter of a name brings up anyone previously searched for)-Does Instagram have an equivalent to view search history?

3. Being new to the forum, will I receive email notifications automatically when someone replies to my thread or does a setting need to be changed?

The information would be appreciated:.

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Thank you for reaching out but my Instagram-related questions have not been answered.

1a. When I sign into my personal Instagram account, videos play automatically when clicked; 'How' do I turn auto-play off?

b. Also, you mentioned that there is a way to view previous name searches but you did not not state what the steps are to do that. Typing a letter into the search box does not bring up previously-searched names with that letter.

Thank you for the links.

One, the link you provided to turn off auto-play is for a mobile device. If you read the original post, you will see that I am asking about a PC. There is a 'Settings' section but no 'Preferences' section.

Two, again, I am using a PC so there is no 'search' icon-The only icons that I see are
House, Paper Airplane, Explore, Heart, and Profile. I see the search box but clicking (I am not on a mobile so tapping is not an option) does not open a list of previous searches.

Is it not possible to view previous search history and to turn auto-play off using a PC or am I missing something?

I need someone to access Instagram with a PC so that my issues can be replicated.
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