Vaio laptop sonyVPCF11m1e


Jan 4, 2016
Hi my name is hannah
I have a laptop vaio with windows 7
The problem is that we where watching a movie. And then suddenly de corelwindvd player started very quickly pauze and play de movie. Then when i klik on skype i klikt on right mouse button on skype i tried to quit skype. And it just kept going out of the skype venster and then i klikt on a different pictogram and then that venster began to flikker what can it btw my fater reset the laptop and when it started up again it kept being stuck on welcome and the pasword screen just flicker by so what is it

Please do try these troubleshooting steps that may help. (not 100% sure if I understand the issue correctly)
- Start by doing a hard reset with your laptop, remove the battery and AC adapter then press and hold the power button for 20 seconds then boot it back up and see if you'll be able to login.
- If that doesn't work do try logging into Safe Mode, while your laptop is booting up repeatedly press on F8 until it loads Advanced Boot Options then select Safe Mode.
- If you still can't login to Safe Mode I would suggest contacting Sony Vaio support first about your password related concern.