Vatican: Internet is "Blessed"

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[citation][nom]TidalWaveOne[/nom]And the religious and Christ bashers come out![/citation]
Right, but that's a good thing :) It wasn't too long ago the catholic overlords would torture people to death for speaking out against them.
I don't really see why this is such a big deal... Did I miss something like if the Catholic church previously banned the Internet or something?
maybe some people bash religion because religion hasn't exactly been helpful in finding cures for old age and the other diseases for reasons that i don't think i have to explain.
Like I really care what you say !!!
First of all you sided with Hitler and allowed the extermination of my family and millions of ours because you would not speak out loudly in our greatest time of need.I am Jordan Kratz and have a large Holocaust memorial site at my main band and art site of if any are interested.We lost around 85% of the Kratz family who lived in the Carpathian Mts.
Also I find a big fault in the archaic views of this religion who picks on gays,etc.a bunch of hypocrits.
[citation][nom]aaaaa[/nom]The Internet and God are more similar than one might think. Both are all-knowing and both were created by man.[/citation]

And virus ridden and infecting.
With whispers from Washington that our beloved politicians want some regulation on the internet, I'm surprised you people aren't more positive than a somewhat influential group speaks of keeping the internet open and free, praising it's current state.

Keep the 'net unregulated!
The internet is what you make it.

And I'm with curnel_D. I'm no Catholic but some people should do some research on the medieval periods, the crusades etc instead of blindly bashing the church like sheep. The crusades were propoganda to secure a route to the Indies, and if it wasn't for the monestaries we would have lost so much history and learning it's beyond comprehension.

People have done terrible things in the name of religion (any religion), I'll give you that, but it's only a tool. Man will always find an excuse to gain power, and you don't need religion for that.
Actually, the Internet is nothing but a tool as well--it has just as much capacity for good as it does evil. I'm not sure 'blessed' is the best word for it though...
[citation][nom]bourgeoisdude[/nom]Actually, the Internet is nothing but a tool as well--it has just as much capacity for good as it does evil. I'm not sure 'blessed' is the best word for it though...[/citation]

Yeah, if every sperm is sacred the internet is biggest cause of genocide known to man......
[citation][nom]thearm[/nom]HAHAHAHAHA! To funny. These guys are always a decade behind. No wonder people don't take them seriously.[/citation]
you're right, and maybe more than a decade. It wasnt long ago the church admitted the earth was not the center of the universe... I think it was 1991 or 97, can't remember, but it was ri-di-cu-lous. *googling!!! screw* Read more here:
[citation][nom]tenor77[/nom]The internet is what you make it.And I'm with curnel_D. I'm no Catholic but some people should do some research on the medieval periods, the crusades etc instead of blindly bashing the church like sheep. The crusades were propoganda to secure a route to the Indies, and if it wasn't for the monestaries we would have lost so much history and learning it's beyond comprehension.People have done terrible things in the name of religion (any religion), I'll give you that, but it's only a tool. Man will always find an excuse to gain power, and you don't need religion for that.[/citation]

Reminds me of the Southpark Episode where Cartman goes to the future. They've banned religion and now they're fighting over what the founder of the anti-religion movement really said and meant.

I'm tired of hearing people bash religion. Man by nature is jealous and possessive. We want things we don't have and there are quite a few that would kill to have it. None of you hippies come in here and try to disagree, it's evolution.
Tomshardware should do an experiment and have an empty article with the word "Catholic" somewhere in the title. I wonder how many angry ignorant sheep will turn out to blindly bash perhaps the most charitable organization in today's world.

If you quote me and say "LULZ!! CRUSADES/INQUISITION??? PWNED!!" please follow it up by showing me a world wide organization that has existed for two thousand years which has NOT had evil men in it perpetrate terrible acts which violate the organizations true principals.
[citation][nom]apmyhr[/nom]Tomshardware should do an experiment and have an empty article with the word "Catholic" somewhere in the title. I wonder how many angry ignorant sheep will turn out to blindly bash perhaps the most charitable organization in today's world.If you quote me and say "LULZ!! CRUSADES/INQUISITION??? PWNED!!" please follow it up by showing me a world wide organization that has existed for two thousand years which has NOT had evil men in it perpetrate terrible acts which violate the organizations true principals.[/citation]

Agreed, even in modern times, like having 1/6th of the worlds population as members doesn't have a possibility of corruption? Even if 1 out of 10000 catholics are bad people that's still 100,000 "bad" catholics out there.

Seeing as all our news reports is the negative, 100,000 bad priests and other catholics would stick out like a sore thumb. In reality, they're a small drop in an otherwise good meaning organization.
"The internet can reach out to the poor and the rich alike, spreading positive messages in a Digital Age."

I don't see too many poor people sitting on the street corners with signs that read "PLEASE HELP PAY FOR MY INTERNETZ -- GOD BLESS". If someone can afford a computer and an internet connection, either they are not poor or they are grossly mismanaging their finances.
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