The thing is that this whole situation with these limits is that it's not in line with customers' expectations. A large portion of bandwidth use on broadband internet lines is now from Netflix. Netflix is starting to become available on more and more smartphones and tablets. 4G service is much faster, thus allowing people to now watch streaming movies, tv, etc. on the go. It's also being marketed as such. If you're going to significantly increase cell data speed and tell people "hey, now you can watch streaming movie and TV on your phone!" but significantly limit data, there are going to be a bunch of people who are going to have huge overage charges, and it's just not right IMO, and seems underhanded.
It's like taking someone from a Toyota to a Ferrari, and then saying "but if you go over 65mph, we charge you $X amount for every 10mph past that limit." It's enticing the customer, dangling 4G in front of their face, and when the customer goes to really "use" it, they go "nuh uh, not so fast, you're limited". Can Verizon do that? Sure. Is it right? Not in my opinion. I don't really need 4G speed to do the things I already do on 3G, such as quick internet searches and Google Navigation Directions. People are thinking of it as "wireless broadband", and that is how they expect to use it. If the limit is like 5GB or less, on a 4G connection, that is just ridiculous. I'm not a fan of throttling, but I'd say for now, if you had to do it to ensure stable connection speeds for everyone, the limit for 4G should be around 20GB or so, which will allow you to stream some stuff every month, but deter people who what to use the connection to torrent everything. There should def be no limit under any circumstance though.