Vice President Joe Biden to Meet with Gun and Games Industry Groups to Help Reso

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If you look at the relative number of people dying from violence now versus any time period in history, the result is: way, way less people die from violence now. Obviously, there are exceptions depending on the locale, but this is almost unilaterally true outside of war zones.

Since videogames have only existed for a couple decades, the movie industry for a century or so, and the ability to record music for widespread distribution for about the same period, the only possible conclusion is that media, whether videogame, music, or movie, is not responsible for human violence. Focusing on it is just inane.

People killed each other just fine (and far more often) before modern firearms as well. Banning firearms is not going to solve anything. Not that I'm against reasonable restrictions, mind you.

Although maybe we should ban music, videogames, movies, and guns for a while. Just so that when violence doesn't go away we can see what other ridiculous scapegoats people come up with.
I have no reason to listen, read nor speak about a scumbag who Ruined the Direct Download system. This "Guy" ordered the take-down of Mega-upload! And he has the nerve to talk about psychotic shootings and media entertainment (t.v. and v.g.), when he is an inside member of the MAFIAA? Ban the sales of guns to emotionally-conflicted, unbalanced-personality, mentally-unstable, idiotic "citizens" (ex-cons are a different subject) along the banning of semi-auto and auto rifles to ALL CITIZENS!!!
Even when guns are banned, criminals will find a way to get their guns, or if they can't, they'll use knife or baseball bat. Wanna ban those two things too? Can't believe how retarded this current government be, they not even bother to check the fact that ALL of those mass shooter are on anti-depressant prescription
[citation][nom]robochump[/nom]Bad parents are to blame for majority of teenage/young adult gun violence.[/citation]

Exactly. The mother, who knew her son was a problem, paid for her mistake with her life. I'm hearing/reading that the firearms used at the massacre were owned by her, and not properly locked up.
Why not include religious leaders (from all religions) ? I think there have been more killings premeditated and wars because of religion than all other reasons combined over 1000s of years.
One more thing, while 20 killed in shooting are very tragic, terrible, etc. it's big news. If 20,000 die from suicude or 1,000,000 fat men die from heart disease, not even news..
I think its two things.

1. The ease of which you can get a gun in the states. I don't care about hearing "oh well I only use it if i really need to, for self defense, etc). If you have a gun you are more likely to use it that someone who does not have a gun. If no one has a gun then well no one can get shot. Yes sure they can be replaced by knives but knives are harder to use (no automatic fire) and are much more personal (its harder to stab someone because you have to get up close to them).

2. Attitude. The us has a major attitude problem with guns and violence, guns for kids. Cue: NRA "The only thing that can stop a bad buy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

Canada as a whole country had 598 homicides in 2011, chicago had over 500 in 2012.

You tell me whats wrong there.

[citation][nom]whyso[/nom]Canada as a whole country had 598 homicides in 2011, chicago had over 500 in 2012. [...] -2011.html [...] legal-gunsYou tell me whats wrong there.[/citation]
I don't expect anyone to disagree. Just saying before there are bigger problems in the world.
Sorry for the rants. Actions speak louder than words.
Funny how he plans to meet the gun & games industry, while no words on TV/movie industry, the supplier of violence even before pong made its first debut....
Guess to remind the gun & games industry to ramp up their "contribution"
[citation][nom]whyso[/nom]I think its two things. 1. The ease of which you can get a gun in the states. I don't care about hearing "oh well I only use it if i really need to, for self defense, etc). If you have a gun you are more likely to use it that someone who does not have a gun. If no one has a gun then well no one can get shot. Yes sure they can be replaced by knives but knives are harder to use (no automatic fire) and are much more personal (its harder to stab someone because you have to get up close to them).2. Attitude. The us has a major attitude problem with guns and violence, guns for kids. Cue: NRA "The only thing that can stop a bad buy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".Canada as a whole country had 598 homicides in 2011, chicago had over 500 in 2012. [...] -2011.html [...] legal-gunsYou tell me whats wrong there.[/citation]

personally , i dont care to see gun bans for the simple fact that one they ban guns away from citizens , then the only peopel that have deccent guns if any is the US military NOW THAT IS SCARY !!!!.

think the government steps on our rights now , take away our most leathal means of revolt and revolution and you can bet your a-- they government will move to reduce freedom's even further.
[citation][nom]machvelocy[/nom]Even when guns are banned, criminals will find a way to get their guns, or if they can't, they'll use knife or baseball bat. Wanna ban those two things too? Can't believe how retarded this current government be, they not even bother to check the fact that ALL of those mass shooter are on anti-depressant prescription[/citation]

CHEERS TO THIS, it's a known fact that anti-depressants can cause enormous mood swings in adolence or young adult's , for this reason in the mid 2000's m,any anti depressants were banned out right given the stipulation that no one under the age 30 can have them prescribed to them. and the ones they did t make these resctrictions on , are still under heavy scrutiny. but is any one talking about getting rid of anti-dpressants altogether ??? of coure not that wiould screw with teh trillion dollar a year drug industry. but it is also a known fact that the human mind is undergoing constant chemical change from birth to about the age 35 , the most rapid chemical changes ocuring during teen years. anti depressant are ALL drugs that affect these chemical changes . it's really quite disgusting that the US pharacutical industry never catches any flak. but this is because of the money involved . the prescribtion drug trade in america rakes in far more money than the gun indutstry or the game industry rakes in combined. and here's a fun fact a LOT of that money thrown at teh government and insurance companies.
[citation][nom]olaf[/nom]Maybe limit the ammount of guns around i don't see many ppl shoot eachother in Europe or Canada.[/citation]

It's the culture, brainiac. Just as Mexico how well their gun ban is working out for them. Just ask residents of Chicago and Washignton DC how well those strict gun laws are working out for them. We can't even keep "illegal" narcotics out of America. Do people who think like you honestly believe that putting "limits" on "the amount of guns around" in your words (whatever that means BTW) would actually work? Who would it harm the most? Of course the 99% of gun owners who are legal, law abiding citizens. How many gun shootings do you read about at gun shows? Yeah that's what I thought.

The fork and knife don't eat the steak.
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