I have a laptop that when I try to change the video adapter gives me an error message, upon hitting the settings tab in display properties. The message is "Rundll32 has caused an error in SMDRV.DRV"
Explain 'try to change the video adapter' a bit more.
What video driver do you need? What OS?
This is an old laptop. It is running Windows Me. The video driver is not on the disk that came with the laptop. Video was lost when I reformatted the hard drive and put Windows Me on, it came with Windows 98SE. Tried downloads to correct the video display after reformatting. I currently have the 640 by 480 display. The laptop is a Compusapc. The adapter I need is a SM710 LynEM.
Thanks for the feedback.
Im guessing you meant you were changing out the video driver (not adapter) and then getting the error message?
What driver did you get? Same one as the link above?