VIDEO: High-Res Footage of Ongoing BP Oil Leak

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I'm sorry, but who allowed them to build this rig without a backup plan or two. In Canada we use half-a-billion dollar emergency shutoff valves on our rigs, and drill emergency reserve wells as well. I don't understand how you can drill a mile below the ocean for oil and not even take into consideration the risks.
[citation][nom]Pyroflea[/nom]how you can drill a mile below the ocean for oil and not even take into consideration the risks.[/citation]

because oil companies have the government in their pockets. This is the direct result of corporate funded campaigns and lobbying. its sick.
[citation][nom]totheshed[/nom]Make it stop flowing somehow and then to rid of the oil in the ocean already, apply its opposite: an acid.[/citation]

It scares me that people like you actually exist. An acid is the opposite of an oil? What?????? Good God.

Also, do you have any idea how much acid you would need to make even the slightest change in an ocean? Even if you could, and you can't, do you think anyone would want to kill all the fish and plant life by doing this? Have you ever heard the saying "the cure is worse than the disease"? Of course, it wouldn't work anyway.

Your post is remarkably offensive. It scares me that people actually can believe stuff like this. Please at least tell me you're not American. I am hoping our education system isn't THAT bad.
Check this out, it is the best way I've seen to clean up the spill. I guess if MIT or some other ivy league school had brought this idea to the table Obama would be all over this. You would see hay all over the gulf. Because the idea come from one of those gun toting, God loving, country boy no one wants to use the idea.It is just to simple, fill a 100 barge with hay, a hay blower & cover the oil in hay, problem solved. When did America stop listening to the simple ideas to fix big problems, why because they did not come from the elites.
Add billions of barrels of acid to the ocean? Yeah that's a good idea . . .

It amazes me that they have neglected so many things in all this. They could have got a new pipe in place long before now. They could have put oil floats on the surface of the ocean to stop as much oil getting out of the Gulf.
[citation][nom]Dirty Durden[/nom]Check this out, it is the best way I've seen to clean up the spill. I guess if MIT or some other ivy league school had brought this idea to the table Obama would be all over this. You would see hay all over the gulf. Because the idea come from one of those gun toting, God loving, country boy no one wants to use the idea.It is just to simple, fill a 100 barge with hay, a hay blower & cover the oil in hay, problem solved. When did America stop listening to the simple ideas to fix big problems, why because they did not come from the elites.[/citation]

Just reading the comments on that video, people are acting like it's a new idea. We have known hay works for years. It's just not possible on such a large scale.

[citation][nom]9d3tsi[/nom]Here's a crazy thought... Why haven't they just placed either a pipe or a hose over the top of it? To collect the oil that comes up and process it? Or am I missing something[/citation]

Your not missing anything, the very same thought came to mind. I don't care how deep it is, they got a damn camera down there.
Could you image if Bush was still the President & it has been months, the oil well is not capped. Oh what would people say. Why is it that a man made debacle happens & no one blames Obama but have a mother nature catastrophe and everyone blames Bush. The chain of command in a disaster like in Katina is first the city, then state, then FED. They had it backwards, everyone pointing fingers at the Bush/FED & not the city/state. Now people are blaming everyone but Obama & his people.
[citation][nom]SevenVirtues[/nom]Just reading the comments on that video, people are acting like it's a new idea. We have known hay works for years. It's just not possible on such a large scale.[/citation]
I know its not a new idea but it will work or at lest try it. When I would work on my car & spill some oil I would use hay because most of the time I do not have kitty litter.
[citation][nom]Dirty Durden[/nom]Why?[/citation]
Look at the map, it is spreading into the Gulf Stream and is about to cover half of the world.

Basically we don't have the resources to cover it all in hay then collect it again - if you don't collect the hay afterwards you're leaving the oil there so it's not much better.
[citation][nom]SevenVirtues[/nom]Look at the map, it is spreading into the Gulf Stream and is about to cover half of the world.Basically we don't have the resources to cover it all in hay then collect it again - if you don't collect the hay afterwards you're leaving the oil there so it's not much better.[/citation]
Dude we do not have to cover the whole gulf just at the marsh lands & beaches. Stop and think
[citation][nom]Dirty Durden[/nom]Dude we do not have to cover the whole gulf just at the marsh lands & beaches. Stop and think[/citation]
So you just want to clean up America and not the rest of the world?
Its a natural substance, let nature clean it up itself. During The sea empress oil spill some beaches where cleaned up by man while others where left. Its the ones that where left that made a better recovery than the ones where man intervened. They do need to get involved in preventing the spill getting worse. Why is Obama blaming BP when all they did was outsource to an AMERICAN company to provide the part that failed? Surely BP should be fined for not finding or proper supervision but its that company that should take part of the blame for the drill part.
[citation][nom]SevenVirtues[/nom]So you just want to clean up America and not the rest of the world?[/citation]
When has the world cared about America? That is with I will care about the world.
[citation][nom]feeddagoat[/nom]Its a natural substance, let nature clean it up itself. During The sea empress oil spill some beaches where cleaned up by man while others where left. Its the ones that where left that made a better recovery than the ones where man intervened. They do need to get involved in preventing the spill getting worse. Why is Obama blaming BP when all they did was outsource to an AMERICAN company to provide the part that failed? Surely BP should be fined for not finding or proper supervision but its that company that should take part of the blame for the drill part.[/citation]
What happen to all that oil in WWII when the Nazis sunk a ship. I am sure that had to be a lot oil may not as much but still a lot.
[citation][nom]Dirty Durden[/nom]When has the world cared about America? That is with I will care about the world.[/citation]
Oh dear, another isolationist, well the rest of the world wanted America to be involved in relations and trade, but people with your attitude in government isolated the US. Which lead to, several generations down the line, the bad feeling towards America today.
[citation][nom]feeddagoat[/nom]Its a natural substance, let nature clean it up itself. During The sea empress oil spill some beaches where cleaned up by man while others where left. Its the ones that where left that made a better recovery than the ones where man intervened. They do need to get involved in preventing the spill getting worse. Why is Obama blaming BP when all they did was outsource to an AMERICAN company to provide the part that failed? Surely BP should be fined for not finding or proper supervision but its that company that should take part of the blame for the drill part.[/citation]
No one should be fined, any engineer knows the numerous checks which should be carried out before a part like that is shipped.

Obama should stop demanding BP does this and that and concentrate on putting resources into fixing the problem. This is a global problem caused by a global need, and if we're taking his attitude, then America consumes more oil than most so they should have the most blame. See how stupid that line of thinking is?

We all need to fix this, and we need to learn from the mistakes.
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