VIDEO: High-Res Footage of Ongoing BP Oil Leak

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[citation][nom]Dirty Durden[/nom]Could you image if Bush was still the President & ~~ They had it backwards, everyone pointing fingers at the Bush/FED & not the city/state. Now people are blaming everyone but Obama & his people.[/citation]

Yes, Obama's error was THINKING the OIL companies knew what they where doing. bush can't be president for a 3rd term, but with palin-mccain, we could expect more problems and far less chance of criminal charges.

But THIS *IS* a bush/cheney problem. For the many years they were in office, THEY DE-REGULATED safety and oversite of the oil companies, THAT IS A FACT. They helped their oil buddies to make more profit and more pollution. I have friends in the EPA, yeah - the bush people on top made the investigators work harder or threw out info. Obama or anyone else cannot repair 8 years of abuse overnight.

This is *WHAT* happens when you have business that is too close to the govt. Exxon, Shell, BP - its all the same. They all would have failed in this blow-out. Which was caused by greed and stupidity. To save an extra $500,000 - BP caused this and now they are worth half their value.

This needs to be a WAKE UP call. End lobbyist and reverse the supreme courts ruling that CORPorations have NO limits to thier campaign contributions.

Remeber teabaggers... GOVT spending and size ONLY gets worse with republicans in the house. LOOK it up, if you dare.

PS: Teaparty "movement" was created and promoted by foxnews and OIL tycoons... you guys are played. Look it up, Koch industries, freedomworks, etc. A basic example:
[citation][nom]v1ze[/nom]You guys all know this wasn't BP's oil rig right? It was leased from Transocean. Plus the preventative device (BOP I believe) malfunctioned. It's not like there aren't any measures taken to prevent this kind of spill.[/citation]

Uh, yes there is. (A) There were indicators for a blow-out. (B) BP wanted to save 1-2 days of work to properly SEAL the well and there was a argument between BP & Transocean over this issue. BP won... er lost. (C) BP and most other oil companies DO NOT want to buy the better blow-out preventers. (D) Oil companies pay off GOVT oversight people to let safety issue slide.

So offshore drill can be MUCH safer, that is a fact. Its greed and stupidity caused this proble.

Watch this video... there is so much crap going on behind doors... we're getting screwed. How much BP is IN our govt and how things are so wrong.
[citation][nom]Dirty Durden[/nom]Dude we do not have to cover the whole gulf just at the marsh lands & beaches. Stop and think[/citation]

People like you are the reason I stopped posting on this site. So simple minded and stupid. These articles have become havens for disguised political BS discussions.

No, there is not enough hay. Also, guess what happens when hay gets wet. It expands and gets extremely heavy. That's a lot of cleanup. Speaking of cleanup, how would you dispose of all the hay? Pile it up somewhere along the gulf. All that oil covered hay out in the sun seems like a great idea... it definitely wouldn't catch on fire while decomposing creating a horrific on-land oil disaster.
[citation][nom]Dirty Durden[/nom]What happen to all that oil in WWII when the Nazis sunk a ship. I am sure that had to be a lot oil may not as much but still a lot.[/citation]

You are an complete and total idiot. You are comparing a sunken ship to the millions of gallons of oil already poured into the oceans by this pipeline. I can't fathom the idiots who are thumbing up your posts.

You obviously cannot even begin to comprehend the scale of this disaster... No wonder you think hay was a good idea (which by the way is not an original idea; I saw an interview over at Gizmodo with Bill Nye, who used to work on an oil clean-up vessel, saying that all this is done before and that you simple-minded people who think you can do the job better than the engineers should really reevaluate your intelligence. I tend to agree with him.).
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