ViewSonic Power Locked


Jan 27, 2016
I have a ViewSonic NX1932w.

The model number is VS11858-1M.

The TV is hooked up to my computer and was working fine until my Dad did something trying to turn it off.

When I power my computer on, the TV does not turn on with it like it use to. I have to manually hold the "source" button and "power" button to get a picture. This is extremely difficult because my button board is not align correctly. I have to keep pressing again and again until it turns on. This can take about 5 minutes each time. Shit is really starting to piss me off.

I have tried holding the "Channel up" and "Menu" button at the same time. I have tried to few other button combination but nothing works. I do not have a remote.

Unlikely that pushing the wrong buttons to turn it off would cause such a problem.

My sense is that there is some physical damage such as a loose internal connector that is making only intermittent connection.

Re: having to manually hold and push two buttons to eventually get a picture. Plus "my button board does not align correctly".

Have you tried another PC to TV connection cable? Long shot but worth a try.

You do not have the remote so I suspect you do not have the user manual.


The User Manual may provide you some operational help or maybe some troubleshooting steps.

Yes I have already looked at the online manual. Mostly just skimmed it and used find to search for "locked" but could not find anything regarding power locked.

I have not tried another computer but I suppose I could give it a shot (seems unlikely).

As I mentioned I have fixed the power lock with the solution I posted but I have another problem. I still have to hold the source and power button down to connect to my pc. Once I do that I am able to power the tv on off, no problems. However, once I turn my pc off and back on I have to hold the source and power button again. I am not sure what this feature is called but it is basically how the tv auto turns off (or sleep not sure) and back on with the computer.

In regards to my button board not being aligned. This is from a few years back when I replaced the power board inside the tv I had trouble getting it back together. The buttons work most of the time it is just a slight hassle to use them.

Having trouble coming up with another suggestion right now.

"Years back".....

Could be the buttons themselves are not as they used to be or that there is some other age related physical problem developing. Could be in the cables or connection ports.

However, I did go back and looked at the User Guide.

What cable connection are you using? Try another way of connecting. e.g., VGA, component, or HDMI other than what you are currently using.

Does not mean that you would have to continue using another cable connection per se. Just a way to troubleshoot and see if the problem can be narrowed down.

Yes it is seriously messed up and old. As much as I'd like to believe parts get old an ware out it just seems to much of a coincidence that it work fine for the last year or two and mess up my dad messing around with. Weather it was a setting or physical damage, I cannot say what the problem is.

I was using a VGA cable on my pc. I switched to a different pc with an hdmi cable and it gave me no signal which I was concerned. However I plugged my other pc with the VGA back in and it works perfectly normal again. Whatever this shit is I'm glad to get over it. Thanks for your help.

P.S. It stopped working AGAIN. It seems to work for awhile once the TV bypasses the black screen. Perhaps I will record a video of this happening.

This type of issue is usually caused by the power supply. These are parts called capacitors that start failing. When the fail the power supply can't filter and regulate the output voltages correctly so the monitor does not power up. When you unplug and replug it in the power supply board restarts and will finally get going and will work until you power the unit off then you have to start all over again. The power supply board used in the VX2235 monitor is the Delta Electronics DAC-19M009 and it can be repaired easily by anyone that can solder a few replacement parts in place. We repair them in our shop all the time for this same issue. Here is a link to a repair guide we have posted that should get you back going again.

I hope it helps.


seems fairly close to my problem