Question Viking pro 10 home page text only shows top half of letters

Jun 2, 2019
Bottom half of letters missing on the home page ( only) ... But only when I'm viewing in landscape mode. This began after I played with font size. Put fonts back to normal but still cut in half. Restarted but no change.
Sorry but I am a tad confused. The "Home Screen" is the screen when you are just seeing icons and any widgets you have on that screen. There really isn't any text. Making this a little hard to make sense of.

Can you take a screen shot of what you are seeing, upload to a place online where you can place it (free place like and then place the image (or a link to it) here. Then it will be easier to understand the issue.
Lol. I am not that technically adept, forgive me. However let me assure you that there IS text underneath the shortcuts that I have placed on my homescreen (among the text-less icons that come w/ the tablet). It is quicker for me to open a game, for instance, via a shortcut on the home screen than it is for me to open Puffin, then open the bookmarks, then click on a bookmark.

This afternoon, however, the problem resolved itself mysteriously. When we set the font to 'small' (which I had tried previously), the text decided to show up fully realized.

You've been patient and just overall great! Thanks for your kind attention and may the force be with you.

Now, I'm going to look up how to do a screen shot...
FYI, that approach refuses to work on this tablet (though I find the same instructions everywhere and even watched it happen in a YouTube video)... finally, however, we discovered an on/off setting (in settings/display under its own category!)' for a tiny screenshot icon that appears on the bottom left corner of the tablet (in the black margin of the screen -- the same territory that the back, home, open apps and volume symbols occupy). Maybe you know this but just in case... 🖐✌🖐