Viruses and Spyware NEEDED


Feb 8, 2005
Hey, Am taking this R.O.P. class and have a project that we will be using a copy of VMware that i want to put to the test. I want to inffect it with as much Spyware and Viruses as possible. So that it crashes. So i was wondering if you guys know what web pages i can go to. So that my "computer" can get inffected with. I would really be thankfull if you can help me out.
The best place to find spyware and viruses AS I HAVE HEARD (please note heard)is dirty sites... When i say this i mean BAD SITES that contains naked things. Try that at your ROP class is my Suggestion.
just about any warez sites, they have links that will send ya to spyware rich places... like<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

that site wont give you any spywarte but if you search through some of their directories some of the linked sites have many. also if you want virii, just download a whole bunch of crap from kazaa :tongue:

I work therefore I am conservative.
<A HREF="" target="_new">-={Psychotic Sociopath.}=-</A>
And usually from going to Warez sites it brings up Pornographic popups that give you the bad stuff.. I would also suggest Crack sites.
[url ][/ url]
to make as clicky

[without the spaces of course]

I work therefore I am conservative.
<A HREF="" target="_new">-={Psychotic Sociopath.}=-</A>
I am also working on this project, but i want to know what programs are more infested with spyware?
When i say this i mean BAD SITES that contains naked things.
Are you a nun?

<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange> 13-0!
"That was just instinct. Kind of like running from the cops." -- Marquis Weeks, TB, U. of Virginia
Lol no but i was in class so i didnt want to post anything bad
haha i have the same class as the poster.
Install everything related to AOL that you can get your hands on, lol. That should screw up the machine pretty fast :)
Download pirated antivirus programs, those usually contain lots of viruses.

<A HREF="" target="_new">My precious...</A>
Step 1: download weatherbug
Step 2: download kazaa
Step 3: install and say yes to everything it asks without reading a damn word

stuff like that always works

saying yes and clicking on every pop-up to every site you goto on the web also promises spyware...
as for viruses, I have no idea

AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 2,330 MHz 10x233
ASUS K8V SE Deluxe
512 MB Kingston PC3500
Sapphire ATI R9800 Pro 128 MB
80 GB Seagate ATA133
80 GB Hitachi SATA
<A HREF="" target="_new"> eicar Antivirus test file

<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>