So, I looked at the website...
1. 1 year of stocked food
2. 200 people, selected by the company from a pool of interested people, who will be allowed to purchase shares of a shelter.
3. The company provides administrative and security details.
4. "Owners" (the 200 people) will be given tasks based upon their life skills.
I like to play a certain game named Fallout 3...
1. Pool of people selected for Vault survival.
2. Tasks...
3. Initial security and administration provided by the company.
And, lastly...
If you look up "Vivo," it is a bio-science research company. It could be a name, but Vivo versus Vivos? (Vault experimentation anyone?) Credibility: There isn't a single shelter in Georgia (the Atlanta area) planned, yet there is one in Alabama. Vivo is based in AL.