Vizio TV Water Damage. Repair advice needed!


Aug 10, 2011
We had a leak in our roof and some water leaked into the tv and it made a very loud pop sound. I have it dissembled and have the mobo in front of me. My question is, how could I go about diagnosing the mobo to see if it is bad/fried or not? I can purchase another one online, but I am not going to until I know it is the problem. It has a ceramic fuse, but I don't know how to know if it is blown or not. I can provide pictures if needed. Thanks!
To check the fuse you need a volt ohm meter (VOM). You can get a cheap one at Radio Shack. If you bring the fuse in to them maybe they can check it. Beyond that there isn't a lot you can check except visually damage. Some replacement board suppliers will take returns with a restock fee. It can also be a blown power supply board (I would try this first). Try


Aug 10, 2011
Ok, thanks. I found places to buy a replacement board, but I just don't want to buy one if it isn't going to fix the problem, so I just need to make sure that the board is the problem and not something else.