Volume withoit remote

If I were you I look for the manual, because it tells you where the buttons are, sometimes they are touch controls, sometimes they are hidden in the back panel and you have reach behind. We don't have more magic than you, we too read the manual.

In the unlikely event that it doesn't have any manual controls, you have no choice but to try to buy a remote from the vendor, or use a universal with built-in URC codes and hopefully your TV is on the list.


Oct 21, 2016

Its the tv. Ot only has one button i can turn it on snd off but no volume.
If I were you I look for the manual, because it tells you where the buttons are, sometimes they are touch controls, sometimes they are hidden in the back panel and you have reach behind. We don't have more magic than you, we too read the manual.

In the unlikely event that it doesn't have any manual controls, you have no choice but to try to buy a remote from the vendor, or use a universal with built-in URC codes and hopefully your TV is on the list.