The store itself has some civil, possible legal liability.. they send a temp, just hired (not directly, but through a temp agency) for the holiday to open the doors to a black friday mob scene? Yeah, right.. Walmart is squeakly clean on that one.. /sarcasm intended!
First of all, there are methods, procedures to avoid a mob running into the store to be "FIRST".. This particular Walmart chose NOT to employ (apt word) this method and to tragic consequences. The media does conspire to drum up Black Friday histeria.. oooh, we hear that people are gonna spend less.. the economy isn't doing well, let's get some spokes people on our news program who pay us advertising dollars$$ and try and pry loose some more of what people really shouldn't be mobbed up to spend... But, no.. the media isn't directly responsible... but shame on them. Money apparently has corrupted the media.. people become more desensitized each year to what was common decency. To be honest.. the apparent best deal.. the 32" 720p lcd TV.. This past Cyber Monday.. Staples had a comparable online for $9 less! For the record, I didn't spend a penny on BF.. didn't even leave my home. Congradulations on making big business happy with their extra 3% even with a blood stained Walmart.. Who wants to go to that store now, knowing someone died at the entrance?