Want to Stop Toship Setup Utility Page from appearing on startup

Nov 26, 2018
My computer's battery is dead but is still installed, so my pc runs completely on electrical power. However, whenever I boot, the Toshiba Setup Utility page displays, and I have to go through a routine pressing of 'enter', 'ESC' and 'enter'. This just feels wrong. How do I overcome this? I tried pressing F12 repeatedly upon startup; it worked for that time, but it doesn't fix the problem completely. Thanks for your help.
Are you talking about the BIOS screen that comes up? It probably keeps loosing configuration info due to battery not being installed. You can get a new CMOS battery and see if that will keep the configuration settings then. The BIOS info is stored in the system and it needs the battery or be on wall power all the time to keep the settings, once it loses power it will reset to defaults including date and time. There is a small CMOS battery in the system that keeps the BIOS going if the main battery loses power, but that can also go bad or just not be good enough to keep it setup for a long time. Newer systems can have that battery soldered to the motherboard, which will make replacing it really hard.
Are you talking about the BIOS screen that comes up? It probably keeps loosing configuration info due to battery not being installed. You can get a new CMOS battery and see if that will keep the configuration settings then. The BIOS info is stored in the system and it needs the battery or be on wall power all the time to keep the settings, once it loses power it will reset to defaults including date and time. There is a small CMOS battery in the system that keeps the BIOS going if the main battery loses power, but that can also go bad or just not be good enough to keep it setup for a long time. Newer systems can have that battery soldered to the motherboard, which will make replacing it really hard.
Nov 26, 2018