Web cam to catch A Vandal


Aug 4, 2001
Hello, I have a question about recording with a web cam, I have a pretty simple one, but i would like to try and use it to catch some bratty Teenagers who keep egging my girlfriend new Car.

I plan to just place the cam in my window, and have it record in a 24 loop type thing, I have a free HD in my computer if that is neccessary... its an 8GB if it matters.

What things would i need to do that? i figure i need software but i don't know what... is there anything esle that i would need?

PLEASE any help in this matter would be great. the girl freind threated to not come over any more if it continues... and we can't have that!

ASUS P4S8X - P4 2.4B - 2 x 512M DDR333 - ATI 9500 Pro(Sapphire) - WD 80G HD (8M Buffer) - SAMSUNG SV0844D 8G HD - LG 16X DVD - Yamaha F1 CDRW - Iomega Zip 250 int.
Have Exactly what your lookin for!
Xanboo Home Management System... I just love mine!
And its a Killer deal, $107 Bucks ya just can't beat! ANYWHERE!

<A HREF="http://www.smarthomeusa.com/Products/default.asp?sMet=2&Category=xanboo&CategoryDesc=XSK215&Product=xanboo/XSK215 " target="_new">http://www.smarthomeusa.com/Products/default.asp?sMet=2&Category=xanboo&CategoryDesc=XSK215&Product=xanboo/XSK215 </A>

I just can't tell ya how much i love this thing!!!
WE got what we were lookin for - right away!!!
This little setup and software is sorta directed and marketed to connect to your computer and send thru your internet connection - but DOES also capure FILES LOCALLY on your computer! There's a basic kit with only 1 cam, but your gonna love it so much just go with the SuperKit (2 cams) right off! The little controller has 4 cam inputs and I added "<A HREF="http://www.smarthomeusa.com/Products/default.asp?sMet=4&Category=Xanboo_BW_Cam&CategoryDesc=CC408EPC&Product=xanboo/CC408EPC" target="_new"> NiteVision</A>" cams(extracost) right away! All the cams, which are really pretty good quality webcams, come with builtin motion sensors and microphones - except the "NiteVision" which are infer-red hi-res, black and white, and super sensitive motion detect and i mean a cat can't sneak by in the dead of nite without being "GOT". You gonna just LOVE IT!

Here's a quick pic of mine when i first install it last year, and the add on software i wrote to turn it on and off on schedule when i'm not home... The color cams are on the left and the NiteVision is on the right. I've moved cams around a bit since, color cams under lights on front and back doors, and nitevision cams focused on garage access/car and on rear access path...
It sure keeps an eye on my S Fla townhouse condo - or its literaly "BooOnYou"!
<A HREF="http://home.mindspring.com/~rplewis/Booonyou.html " target="_new">http://home.mindspring.com/~rplewis/Booonyou.html </A>
Give me an email on exactly how to keep all file locally, or just general questions.
Got a problem - Capture it! Your just gonna Love it!!!
(its not only good for stoppin the problem and getin to know nightime activities, its somea the best entertainment you'll ever get for findin out what friends, neibors and workmen are sayin about ya before ya get to the door!!!)
Sounds like a pretty cool product...I didn't exactly plan on requiring a budget however. i was hoping to find a free download of some sort, and continue to use my current Web cam. I am a Canadain resident so i guess it would cost me about $150 CAN for this system... something i didn't realy think of was that i may need a night vision like you have... thats got a pretty clear image too...does that zoom? because i'll be placeing the came upstairs and aiming it though my window out toward the street.

Though i will consider a product such as this. i am still open to other suggestions.

Thanks again.

ASUS P4S8X - P4 2.4B - 2 x 512M DDR333 - ATI 9500 Pro(Sapphire) - WD 80G HD (8M Buffer) - SAMSUNG SV0844D 8G HD - LG 16X DVD - Yamaha F1 CDRW - Iomega Zip 250 int.
Yep, I understand budget control...Ya might be able to get the job done for less expense. But compared to other cammera survellance systems this little system is VERY COST EFFECTIVE! For the SuperKit, a couple Nitevision cams and lighting rearangements your completely covered and under $400 bucks! Ya can't even come close with others systems!

Zoom? NO! That's Bucks! But image quality with these really is more than adaquate, especially when viewing just 1 cam - and playing back captured avi's is even better.

And lighting is a real BIG consideration! Requrires some planning, arangement and additional expense.

But your correct, it is an investment requireg a budget. However, is has been very reliable, over a year now, no problems and passing the test of time well - even with the cams outside. Gets the job done! BooOnYou really works!
If you just wanna do a 24 hr loop, then just about any webcam software should do. Heck the stuff that came with my cheapo IBM Netcam can do that, plus its can record pretty decent in the dark.

Or you could try this out. Its got all kinds of surveillance-oriented features, and a 30-day free trial:

<A HREF="http://www.jpcsoftware.com/products/eyecu2/eyecu2_main.htm" target="_new">http://www.jpcsoftware.com/products/eyecu2/eyecu2_main.htm</A>

<font color=white><b>_________________________________________________</font color=white></b>
Armadillo<font color=orange>[</font color=orange><font color=green>TcC</font color=green><font color=orange>]</font color=orange> at Lanwar and MML
Just point the camera in the window, use the software that came with it, and record. I don't know how long 8GB will last but you'll have to stop the recording and delete the AVI on a regular basis no doubt.

When you get egged, check the movie.

Personally since you're talking about ruining the paintjob of a NEW car, I would consider parking the car in a garage and moving on with your life.

<A HREF="http://forums.btvillarin.com/index.php?act=ST&f=41&t=389&s=1fee5dab901bebe29da7aa1c2658fc6f" target="_new"><font color=red>dhlucke's system</font color=red></A>

<font color=blue>GOD</font color=blue> <font color=red>BLESS</font color=red> <font color=blue>AMERICA</font color=blue>
Yeah, I'd park mine in a garage, too....if I had one.

<A HREF="http://www.phototalk.net/photos/showgallery.php?cat=3394&ppuser=663" target="_new">My phototalk gallery</A>
<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>
Ok, how about a car cover then while he has the camera going?

<A HREF="http://forums.btvillarin.com/index.php?act=ST&f=41&t=389&s=1fee5dab901bebe29da7aa1c2658fc6f" target="_new"><font color=red>dhlucke's system</font color=red></A>

<font color=blue>GOD</font color=blue> <font color=red>BLESS</font color=red> <font color=blue>AMERICA</font color=blue>
That EyeCu looks pretty good...
And it the motion sensor activation that triggers recording that really save disk space. Constant recording EATS disk space! FAST! and multiple cams...
Gotta have sensor activation! Xanboo runs very reliabily, wellover a year now. Looks like EyeCu is very simalar, except up to 10 cams - wonder what they all plug into?
Yeah, that would be good, if it didn't invite more trouble. Heh, maybe he should just put in some extra hours at work and get her a beater car for drives over to his place.

<A HREF="http://www.phototalk.net/photos/showgallery.php?cat=3394&ppuser=663" target="_new">My phototalk gallery</A>
<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>
I guess it depends on how often this happens, how old they are, how often and when it happens, and where they live. If it was me I'd just get my friends together and we'd drink beer from a good lookout spot until we could beat them down.

<A HREF="http://forums.btvillarin.com/index.php?act=ST&f=41&t=389&s=1fee5dab901bebe29da7aa1c2658fc6f" target="_new"><font color=red>dhlucke's system</font color=red></A>

<font color=blue>GOD</font color=blue> <font color=red>BLESS</font color=red> <font color=blue>AMERICA</font color=blue>
Well, if he gets on here and tells us that he hasn't actually considered that option yet, I think I'll stop giving advice.

<A HREF="http://www.phototalk.net/photos/showgallery.php?cat=3394&ppuser=663" target="_new">My phototalk gallery</A>
<font color=blue>War</font color=blue> <font color=orange>Eagle</font color=orange>